Soooooo....why can't I just....


Active Member
Alright so i never posted a new thread before but I have been looking around and i couln't find this particular question but i have been seeing ppl bickering about the "best" germinating method and i was wondering- Why can't you (instead of using the paper towel method and risk losing the root hairs everyone talks about) just make a pit in your soil like you were going to plant your seed and moisten it up a bit and put your seed in there and then wait till your taproot pops out the seed and then scoot a little dirt over the top? I donno im am clearly a newbie at this stuff and am planning on planting sometime this week indoors and was kinda curious. So any suggestions on why this wouldn't work i know im prolly overlooking something like a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
just do the paper towel method and cover it with two plates in a a dark room and you have a good chance of your seeds germinating...just make sure your paper towels are wet or mist...good luck

Illegal Smile

I float seeds in water in a warm dark place for about 18 hrs then plant them direct into growing medium. You can float them till the sprout in the water too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i ripped open the bags, shoved my finger into the soil just short of an inch, dropped the seed in, covered up. all germinated and are still alive. the disadvantage of this is you can't really tell if you've got a slow starter or a bad seed. other than that though, i've no reason not to use it, worked just dandy for me :) as you say, every thread i read had people using and reccomending different methods


Active Member
Yeah im not trying to go against these methods or anything, hell i might even do the paper towel once or twice in my life just to see whats what. But i was just wondering what the drawbacks would be, i know it sounds like a little bit of micro-managing but i do that all day anyways so... yeah.

Pretty cool i got replies so soon though damn.