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  1. santana507

    Ive had a good and bad experience from them. The good: I ordered 10 Top 44 seeds from them, they came with the free Mazar. They came stealth, and in about 7-9 days. Which is pretty good. The bad: I germinated 5 of the Mazar and 6 of the Top 44 with no results. I still have 4 Top 44 and 5...
  2. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    Well the plant looks like it was in shock or something, due to the over fertilizing. Now its growing new small greener leaves w/out the yellow or brown tips. Lookin good now. Ill continue to flush.
  3. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    Nine33, Im assuming that that same bud you sampled, burned just fine, after a proper flush, dry and cure?
  4. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    Ok, its been very unsettling knowing that the finished product might be somewhat ruined before its even been harvested. Thanks for the input, being that this is my first grow, I had no idea that if you clipped some buds off to sample that it would burn like this. Even if the buds seemed to be...
  5. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    Im going to try another little sample to see if after 6 days and 2 flushes will make a difference. If that doesnt help, then Im totally out of answers. Ill have to end up going out to buy a bong for this crop. Wish me luck haha!. Any good ideas of a quik dry method? I know that time is the...
  6. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    Thanks for the advice again. So its been 3 days since I first flushed the soil. The plant seemed to perk up a bit, at this point there are no fan leaves left on this plant, just buds and the small leaves that form around the buds. The pistels are turning reddish to rust color and there is about...
  7. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    Cool, thanks for the advice svchop889, I was going to do the regular way of curing, but if this will help this problem, Ill definatley look into the water curing.
  8. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    When I found out that it was due to a fert build up in the buds, I used regular water( the kind you can buy at a Cub Foods or Rainbow Foods, where you fill up your own gallon jugs) until water drained out of the bottom of the pot, I kept watering and draining. Is this a good method of...
  9. santana507

    Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!

    This is my first grow, and its close to harvest. Iam growing in soil. A few days ago, I took a few samples from differnt parts of the plant, dried it out, wrapped in a paper towel and put towel on my computer monitor for 24 hours. The buds were dry, so I know that this was not the problem. I...
  10. santana507

    My First Grow

    I was thinking and I remember reading about something called a light defuser. Can anyone comfirm? And if so would that help with the spotty burns that are happening to the top of this girl? Can I make 1 myself? or do I have to go on the dreaded search asking the retards at Home Depot and...
  11. santana507

    My First Grow

    Some updated pics... If anyone has any advice or input to help with the burns, that would be great. I just bought another 6" fan to help, not sure what else to do. She is now 26" tall and growing. Thanks.
  12. santana507

    My First Grow

    More pics later today! Pending my Camera is working.
  13. santana507

    My First Grow

    Im giving it a 10/54/10 fert solution atm, I water it approx every other day, which is when the soil feels crusty and very light.Ill water it with plain filtered water every 2-3 times I give it nutes, just in case my soil starts to create deposits and build up of unwanted nutes, salts and also...
  14. santana507

    First Grow! God's Haze With PICS

    Looking good so far, If your worried about lumens per square foot, I think I read something about it somewhere in the forum. To figure out your lumens per sq. foot, CFL lighting gives off about 50-60 lumens per watt, and a High Pressure Sodium light will give about 107 lumens per watt, add those...
  15. santana507

    My First Grow

    Thanks for the rep. lol, well I found out that you could keep the lights on 24/0 about 7-8 days into 18/6, I didnt want to change it and played it safe, kept it at 18/6. But next grow Ill definately go 24/0, I bet it would cut down the time it spends in Veg stage a bit. Nice, Indica, thanks I...
  16. santana507

    My First Grow

    Wow, I posted this on the 16th, and now its finaly here, lol
  17. santana507

    hey hey, new to growing

    Yeah, its been about 2 days now when I opened up my grow log, it has pics and stuff to, getting frustrated haha, Ill just have to chill with some good tokes off a splif!!
  18. santana507

    hey hey, new to growing

    Hello, Im new to the growing scene, just wanted to say, whats up.:leaf: Oh yeah, I posted a new thread in the grow journal forum, but im still waiting to see it approved by the administrator. Does anyone know how long it takes to get my thread working?:wall:
  19. santana507

    My First Grow

    This is my first grow. I used a seed out of a bag of high quality buds, unfortunately I don't know what exact strain it is. I was just wondering if any experienced growers out there could give me some insight on what type of plant it may be. Indica? Sativa? I built my own grow box from...