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  1. E

    175w metal halide 14k

    you can use that light. it will work great to veg a few plants. if you want proof for yourself, do a google search. the information is so readily available im not going to do any google searches for you. its widely agreed upon that mh bulbs work well for veg and hps for flowering. throw a plant...
  2. E

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    ^this. it looks like you only flowered it for like a week and a half lol. i almost dont believe you that you had it on 12/12 for 8 weeks... even if you did... the plant was still far from ready to be chopped haha
  3. E

    small cheap cab?

    dude... 2 plants 12/12 from seed to harvest... will not yield you 100g. unless maybe if youre growing big bud... and if youre going to put in 2 more plants every 2 weeks... youre going to have at least 8 plants going at once... which isnt really very small. and do you really need almost a full...
  4. E

    Cfm Question.. Plain and simple..

    dude if its a 6" cool tube, get a 6" fan. whatever one you get will move enough air to keep the light cool, 6" fans are strong. i have a 4" cool tube with a 4" fan which moves 190 cfm and its not cool to the touch but a little warm. a 6" fan will move waaay more air, your light is less hot, and...
  5. E

    Ballast Question + rep

    you can do it, some people choose to. it just draws 600w instead of 1000w from the ballast, but there is no way id ever do it in my own house.
  6. E

    How do solar flares affect plants?

    i think the best bet would be to grow using that crazy sun machine thing from the spiderman movie
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    What are the chances!?

    the odds of each seed being a female is 50/50, or .5. the ^ denotes an exponent, which is the number of seeds. so for 5 seeds, it is .5x.5x.5x.5.x.5, or .5^5.
  8. E

    What are the chances!?

    the chances are .5^n, and in your case n=5 seeds. .5^5=.03125, there was a 3.125% chance of all 5 seeds being female.
  9. E

    GH 3 part formula for cannabis

    dont act victimized... your question is slightly nebulous... but has still been answered. twice. your plant has a long life ahead of it. read the bottle. start by giving half strength of what it says. work your way up slowly each feeding and back off if it starts to burn. different plants need...
  10. E

    GH 3 part formula for cannabis

    I used to use the 3 part GH nutrients with GREAT results. I used the dosages that the bottle recommended on every plant i ever grew with it without any burn issues except for bubba kush which didnt like quite that much. keep going with this stuff im sure youll love the outcome
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    50-100 wat hps

    all hps lamps need ballasts. ballasts get hot. i just set up a very tiny box 2x2x3 ft with a 150w hps. i have 2 intake fans and 3 exhaust fans (all $5 pc fans) and the temps never get above 82. thats with outside temps about 70-75. keep the ballast outside the room itll help keep temps down. as...
  12. E

    Autoflower - 400w MH 18/6 or 600w HPS 12/12?

    the different types of lights and different wattages make this a very tricky question to answer. if you cant run the 600w hps for longer than 12/12, your best bet would be to put a few plants under the 600 12/12 and a few under the 400 18/6... and see which ones come out better... your question...
  13. E

    Camping in the walk in closet. or am I taking a shit?!!

    nice nipples man. i mean plants...
  14. E

    Spots on leaves and don't know what they are? + pics

    if the ph is off, id seriously worry about what might be getting into the creek upstream from you... like to the point where i wouldnt just adjust it with ph up/down because of what could be in it. maybe roll up a :joint:fatty:joint: and take a walk upstream to check it out? depending on who...
  15. E

    Spots on leaves and don't know what they are? + pics

    this is a great tea! i live in a city so a nearby creek would be cause for concern for me as far as possible pollutants... i realize this might not be the case for you though. i would definitely test the ph of the creek water by itself either way just to be sure. there could be some deposits of...
  16. E

    huge problem

    Damn this happened to me a few grows back!! and i happened to my friend on his current grow. damn timers. but ya his happened in the 2nd week of flower and now his plants look great as if it never happened. mine happened in the 4th week just like yours did, and kinda werent really the same...
  17. E

    Spots on leaves and don't know what they are? + pics

    have you checked ph? you are experiencing ph spotting, so your ph is definitely off. when this happens, certain nutrients are locked out, creating deficiencies and headaches galore. what water are you using? what nutes? it really doesnt look like bugs, bugs such as thrips and spider mites leave...
  18. E

    Where to purchase t5 lights
  19. E

    Post the dumbest advice you have ever heard here!

    i like how so much of the "dumbest advice" people have heard is controversial and often times correct. god. i wish people on this site would educate themselves before attempting to contribute.
  20. E

    Trying to go all organic, having some issues week 4 of flowering

    hey everything in your pics looks orange from your hps light running. is there any way you could get a picture of your plants under normal light? the colors will come through more and diagnosing your issue will be ten times easier! until then, check out this link...