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  1. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    On deck for next run GDP mothers and clones. Mothers 4 weeks today from seed. Pruned today for clones.
  2. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    So hard to show pics on a forum optimized for phone sized pics....
  3. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Here is the trainwreck pheno today All the plants are showing about 10% amber now
  4. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    It's hard not to be discouraged considering the lack of posts. But things are looking ok I think and hard to argue with this picture of the PW urkle pheno today Looks like they will be ready soon. 1 week from today will be 60 days of 12/12. Please please please post if you have an opinion. I...
  5. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Buds are closing in the gaps now. Cleaned up a bit getting ready for the big day....still to be decided. Week 8 Day 2 currently.
  6. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    To make this long enough to post....
  7. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Today I pulled off most of the burnt leaves. I realized two things; I have a lot more bud weight than I thought. Way more... And the buds are heavy. And sticky and smelly. The smell of tea leaves is completely overpowering now. You can't get the stink off of you. Dang, not perfect but better...
  8. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Not really sure... just going to watch them for a few more days and see what happens.
  9. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    I was a little caught off guard today to see some amber trichs... say 2-5%. So what do you guys think? A few more days or a week? I have very little nutes in the system and not worried about excess nitrogen. Honestly it is my first time, but the plants look done. Today is week 8 day 1 since...
  10. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    And with contact with any bud leaves you will smell Fruity Pebbles... but if you just open and smell the ambient scent, it is overwhelmingly of tea.... you know ground tea leaves. Absolutely wonderful!
  11. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    I don't disagree... but one thing is for sure. The first run helps get the kinks worked out of a system. I fought symptoms of the problem (heat build up due to low outflow) for the last three months and then finally figured it out. I was also experiencing some odor issues b/c even though my duct...
  12. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Could an admin possibly move this thread to correct area in forum?
  13. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    And I had to stake up the main stalk of the trainwreck plant as it fell over under weight of the buds! yeah I did something almost right! It didn't fall over, but it was depending on the tent way too much!
  14. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Remember for perspective that each picture , the plants are 48" tall. I tried not to replicate any of the main FIM'd stalks in the photos. There are 8 of them on the trainwreck pheno. The urkle did its own thing and said screw you even though it was FIM'd. The time laps pics are pretty...
  15. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Most of these are of the TW pheno; last pic is a crappy pic of the urkle pheno ...these are just iphone pics sorry Yes I light burned them but it happened and I am moving on; I wasn't closer than 24" but had some flow restrictions and they got a bit taller slowly on me. My cool temps fooled me...
  16. i19495

    how do they look should i prune or leave them be?

    Hope all goes well for you; they are looking great!
  17. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    I am not sure exactly why I didn't proceed with just water as I had planned. I kept hearing 'the biggest mistake new growers make is harvesting too early' in my head. And looking at the plants, they were screaming at me for some good nute lovin'. I likely held back too much on nutes.... They...
  18. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    How long is it safe to leave mothers in 1 gallon air pots? I have some 5 week 'potential' mothers-to-be (GDP) can I keep them in at least until sex? they are under heavy T5s. and perfect :)
  19. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    Yes, the calendar says they should be ready soon, but the plants don't say so.
  20. i19495

    Purple Wreck 2013

    I gave em some more bloom nutes, I don't think they are as close as I did.