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  1. Pocosplace

    Over Nute

    No just a few leaves are turning yellow and curling under i really dont want to take it of the pot its in.Plus isnt there a good chance its gonna go into shock if i take it out and run water on roots its not a small plant its about 3 1/2 feet tall iv taken alot starts off it allready just wanted...
  2. Pocosplace

    Over Nute

    Ok i have got some nice TKO plant from a friend of mine and wasnt aware of the nutes he had put in them:evil:I could just slap myself for being such a newb!Well i use flora seiries for growing and ended up feeding them when i didnt need to now the leaves are turning little yellow and couple are...
  3. Pocosplace


    Ok 1 more question can i use flora seires in soil???
  4. Pocosplace


    Ok i went out to buy some soil.I was looking for sunshine #2 or #4.Well i couldnt find any around my area:cuss:Is ther another soil that i can get that will have the same results:bigjoint:Need aswer fast Pls:peace:
  5. Pocosplace


    Ok i went out looking for Sunshine #4 soil but couldnt find anything but regular sunshine peat moss bale.It says on side genuine canadian sphagnum?I was wondering what i should mix with to make a good soil mix?Any ideas would be greatly apriciated thxbongsmilie
  6. Pocosplace


    Cool thx for info!I have them in 11/2 inch peet pods under a dome.
  7. Pocosplace


    :sleep:I was wondering about how long will it take for me to see roots on my starts?
  8. Pocosplace


    Ok like i said earlier i have them in 1 1/2 inch peet pods theve been in going on third day ;-)I was wondering if i should put some nutrients in yet?Ill be useing 3 part flora micro/grow/bloom!I was thinking making really weak mix and spraying them would that work?Or should i just use regular...
  9. Pocosplace


    I have them in 1 1/2 inch peet pods under 4 -40 watt ecolux Floresent bulbs.I have had them in for a day now should i add any nutes to it?Ill be using flora grow/micro/bloom for my hydro drip.Ill put the others in soil.Im trying to see what will give me better yeild and better qaulity.Any...
  10. Pocosplace


    Ok here i go:eyesmoke:I just took about 7 really nice cuttings and have them in a plastic dome! I was reading about how to get better results and i read putting heat on bottem of tray would promote good roots:lol:Question?Can i use a heating pad to put on the bottem of the tray?Low setting is 94...