Over Nute


Ok i have got some nice TKO plant from a friend of mine and wasnt aware of the nutes he had put in them:evil:I could just slap myself for being such a newb!Well i use flora seiries for growing and ended up feeding them when i didnt need to now the leaves are turning little yellow and couple are curled under:cry:My question is by flushing them with lots water can they be saved:cry:If so i need some sugestions PLEASE!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok i have got some nice TKO plant from a friend of mine and wasnt aware of the nutes he had put in them:evil:I could just slap myself for being such a newb!Well i use flora seiries for growing and ended up feeding them when i didnt need to now the leaves are turning little yellow and couple are curled under:cry:My question is by flushing them with lots water can they be saved:cry:If so i need some sugestions PLEASE!!!!:peace:

That depends on whether or not the entire leaves of the plant are turning yellow. Are they? Is this soilless, hydro, or soil? Guessing soil, and I would take the plant out of there and throw out the soil, and rinse the roots of the plant with fresh water. my $.02.

Illegal Smile

I'd just ignore it and don't do it again. It will bounce back.


No just a few leaves are turning yellow and curling under i really dont want to take it of the pot its in.Plus isnt there a good chance its gonna go into shock if i take it out and run water on roots its not a small plant its about 3 1/2 feet tall iv taken alot starts off it allready just wanted to flower it when all this crap happend i think ill just wait and see what happens thx for info!!


What you describe soundsmore like a deficiency, when you nute burn a typical sign is the upper fan leaves start to show rut spots and they dont curl downward, but upward like making a "claw" until almost closing like a fist(extreme case) So to me thats what it 'sounds' like IMO, have any pictures? maybe i could help you more, keep it growing -syze-


also, if it would be nute burn and it would sound like in the early stage then i would definately suggest a flush,say you have a 3 gallon pot, then i would flush with a bout 6 to 7 gallons of water, but ATLEAST 5 gallons. A flush will most definately help instead of just 'waiting' I mean you put time and effort into it. i agree it is a learning experience, but so is fixing the problem, these challenges are sometimes the best part, that is if you have a passion for the plant. So dont just let it be and dont do it again, FIX the damn problem,or if you break a leg you just gonna leave it and just 'not do it again' haha