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  1. whitefoo5001

    just harvested trying to dry

    well i just harvested my first crop and am trying to find a suitable place to dry them. im thinking of using a shoebox in a cool dark closet. i had tried this with on of the plants that had bugs on it. i put it in the shoe box in the closet for 3 days just as a tester. there was no mold and the...
  2. whitefoo5001

    growing with the light on the side?

    Cool. I have been rotating them every complete light cycle they are turning but the main stalk grows stright. Also does ne one know if you turn a plant sideways y the crown of the plant keeps growing up even if the light scorce is on the side???
  3. whitefoo5001

    growing with the light on the side?

    for a few months now i have been growin in a 3 foot attic. theres a 400W HPS. the catch is its sideways and i can only have light on half the plant at a time. the room is panted flat white for reflectivity. any one know what will happen plants look health sence i introduced HPS but im wondering...
  4. whitefoo5001

    Male? , Female? Or Too Early To Tell?

    i agree with goldenganja i just threw two plants away less then 30 mins ago cause of sacs like that toss it ASAP
  5. whitefoo5001

    lol yea noones gona find these babies i just put another pic of the outside view...its soooooo...

    lol yea noones gona find these babies i just put another pic of the outside view...its soooooo covert ops ha ill keep ya posted i threw away two plant today cause they were males...DAM THEM! i want buds
  6. whitefoo5001

    just uploaded some pics

    just uploaded some pics
  7. whitefoo5001

    check my lowryders!!

    Awsome cause igot a 400w hps that I'm slaping on the girls as soon as they germ. So I'll let u know how they go. I'm using a three foot attic space so I tested the environment with some regular middies and there flowering as we speak so the lowriders will rule. But I am using a sideways...
  8. whitefoo5001

    check my lowryders!!

    not bad man i just got my seeds in the mail 2 days ago gona start germin tomorrow. how long you been growing them...did u use VEG light at all or just HPS