Male? , Female? Or Too Early To Tell?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Yup this business of sexing a plant asap is pretty important...i think i read something years ago about taking a small box or a bag or smt and fixing it on a growing tip, basically putting a tiny part of the plant into 24 hrs darkness while the rest is still vegging, check back in a few days or a week and see if you got balls or pistles...might be a bit confusing for the plant but i cant see why it wouldnt work, could you?

i wanna do a scrog and use regular seeds, a) cos theyre cheaper and b) cos ive heard about femd seeds hermying and i really dont wanna 12/12 my plants in a scrog and then have to untangle the males, what a fu(king mess that would be!

But whaddya reckon about the box/bag thing...?
