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  1. Moby Dicck

    Damn.. I believe I got 3/5 hermies

    justfkngrowit: Yes.. They where pretty much stressed from start of flowering.. The shelf fell down liek ½ a meter twice, with al lthe plants on it. I didnt open my "my ghetto" closet for a day, with the lights one. And no intake or exhaust fan. Also they wherent watered hole weekend.. And they...
  2. Moby Dicck

    Damn.. I believe I got 3/5 hermies

    Ohh I forgot.. I have some pics of them aswell. Abit blurry though. But it might help.
  3. Moby Dicck

    Damn.. I believe I got 3/5 hermies

    So yesterday I got home from a weekend out of town, and I was suprised to see some sort of sacks on my flowers. 3 out of 5 have these sacks all over. Theres like 3+ on each and every bud. They are about 6-7 weeks into flowering and I only noticed these sack yesterday. This is my first gro, so...
  4. Moby Dicck

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    Riight. I hope mi not gonna ruin anything here. But this is not a 100% pure white whidow grow. Infact it aint WW atall. However, its one of the most awesome cross of WW I ever smoked in my hole life. What im talknig about is a spannish starin, that not really many people know about, outside...
  5. Moby Dicck

    Artists needed for growing

    And I dont mean the tattoo in the pic. But more like the frame with the roses etc.
  6. Moby Dicck

    Artists needed for growing

    I have been thinking of getting a tatoo witha some weed theme. I was thinking to get it on my leg.. Just above the socks. I would really love to get a "sublime" theme involved in this tatoo aswell. Something like in this pic.
  7. Moby Dicck

    Hmm pretty freaky i beleave (huge underwater fly thingy)

    Well im sure that this was not there when I put in the glass. I quickly rinsed in under the the running tap, because I dropped it on the toilet floor :P
  8. Moby Dicck

    Hmm pretty freaky i beleave (huge underwater fly thingy)

    Well maby not huge then.. But still like 1 centimetre long when I gto it in the sink.
  9. Moby Dicck

    Hmm pretty freaky i beleave (huge underwater fly thingy)

    right yesterday I was filling up my pots with soime extra soil, when one of the bottom flowers fell off. As im on my verry first gro I desided to put this flower in a glass of water, to see if I could get it to root. When I got home from work today I checked my plants and the "clone". I was...
  10. Moby Dicck

    How to lower heat and humidity in room???

    I myself have the exact same problem. I grow in my closet in my rented apartment. I cant drill any holes in this closet. And I cant affort to buy a nenw door and exhaust fans, before this grow is pretty much done. What I do is. I keep my lights on frmo 5 in the night to 5 in the morning, so...
  11. Moby Dicck

    My plants won't bloom.

    Im on my first grow here. Im growing a WW cross. My plants only showed sex on the 4'th day of flowering. And about 1 week ni to flowering, they looked pretty much like yours. As I said mi on my first grow, so I dont know much. ´But give it a few more days and see what happenes :D
  12. Moby Dicck

    100% natural fruit juices and cane sugar as molasses?

    As the title sais.. Is it possible to use 100% natural fruit juices and cane sugar as molasses? I been looking around the nearby shops around here for unrefined molasse, without luck. However I found some unrefined cane sugar. On the back it sais that the more brown this sugar is, the more...
  13. Moby Dicck

    Ghettogrow - 2 Weeks of flowering - (+Rep for comments)

    Sorry I didnt mentioned that. But I have a huge fan in there for better air flow. The fan is allmost as bit as my biggest plant. And is set on highest speed, so that I get the stem fatter aswell. The temps in there are around 86 with the light on. So thats fine right? Also.. I know theres a...
  14. Moby Dicck

    Ghettogrow - 2 Weeks of flowering - (+Rep for comments)

    The new growthon them are pretty curly. But they streath out pretty fast, so I not really worried about that. However I have some white/brown spots on some of the middle leaves. (gonna get some pics of it when I get my camera back) They startet on the smallest plant and got pretty bad there...
  15. Moby Dicck

    Ghettogrow - 2 Weeks of flowering - (+Rep for comments)

    Hello all. This is my verry first grow im doing here. Its kinda "ghetto" I would say, cuz I only have my closet, fertz and a 400W HPS. These babyes are about 7 weeks old. 2 weeks of flowering, and are starting to grow the first buds. The 3 big plants are are Moby Dick's from Dinafem. (White...
  16. Moby Dicck


    again.. Its a qustion of beliefs imo. Maby your right.. Maby your not.. We wont nkow untill we die :evil:
  17. Moby Dicck


    Well imo this is a question of what your beliefs are. Its the good old queston of who got first.. The chicken or the egg? If your religious, or belive in intelligent design. The chicken came first. One day there where no chicken. The next day there where thousands IF you belive in Darwins...
  18. Moby Dicck

    The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009!WTF

    In Denmark where I live, we already have this law in action. My current dealer wont sell the green stuff anymore, cuz of the insane penalty he will get if he gets busted. Still he got some good hash though. But thats what most ppl here smoke anyway. Only thing I dont really get... As far as I...
  19. Moby Dicck

    A few questions about growspace

    Right, so I got started a bit to early on my grow, and didnt get all the things I need for my growspace. ATM I got: 1 400W HPS with AGRO pulp Biogreen ferts series 1 wardrobe Right now im a few days into flowering. However I dont have any air intake nor exhaust, in my growspace. So when the...
  20. Moby Dicck

    Noob Grow - Moby Dick and PPP

    the last MD and PPP I repottet isstarting to grow again. And looks really good. (MY camara broke so sent it back to the shop. Gonna updatate with pics within the next week or two)