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    (pic) time to harvest?

    loookin mad good man, but u still got 2-3 weeks left imo, wait till ur hairs darken
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    people who steal plants

    STOP TELLING PEOPLE....step one, noone just goes into random yards thinking there is plants...
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    I got a sprout!!

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    good grow here 1st time

    looks like those are pollen sacks on ther?
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    severe yellowing

    same here.........
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    male plant ;...
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    How do I flush my plant before harvesting? Using miracle grow soil...

    i do not know much either, i belive you put 3x the size of container with water. am i right?
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    Wadap kiid

    Wadap kiid
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    Sexing Help. Pics Included.

    male, female, female ??! thas wat it looks like to meh
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    Have one plant flowering early - can this negatively affect the rest in any way?

    why do u not want your plant to flower...its some smoke to hold u over untill your other plants are done =]
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    how do my babies look?

    lookin good, nice n healthy
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    distilled water best for your bong?

    im glad i saw this bong water is dirrttyy =X
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    Should I feed nutes after transplanting?

    i had this same question also, wen foxfarm was got i guess the guy at the hydro store said dont use nutes for 30days after transplanting?! bare with me, im new lol
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    new growth looks weak

    does any1 see the problem/
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    My first grow in grow box

    id get some gorrila tape, and block the light leaks
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    growth spurt

    im really new but doesnt smoke hurt your plants?
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    What to Put on the walls????

    me and a buddy both use the reflective sht ppl put over thier car window, its 3$ at walmart, works good.
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    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    i use neptune's harvetst, im livin in mass so u shuld b able to find it sumwhere local
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    How can I prove to someone I'm not a cop?

    does anyone else think this is a silly ass thread?
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    plug-in sockets

    i recentley got a few of these planning on using them for a cfl box im building let me kno how they workout