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  1. burninghope13

    hey all

    will do man and i would prefer growing my own then i can know what it is im smoking instead of always getting bag weed or now and again cheesy bud or tai stick.:-| never any intresting weed over here and when ther is its far to expensive growings the way forward.. bongsmilie
  2. burninghope13

    Sex.. Better High or Not?

    haha biting is fun but not to that extent but yeh sounds good gotta find me a girl thats down with the smoke nd try sum of that shit out :eyesmoke: happy tokeing and more intresting stories like morgans would be cool haha
  3. burninghope13

    Powerful Words

    bob marleys last words to his son ziggy - money cant buy you life you were born an individual don’t die a clone - don’t know where I got that but its stuck with me I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man - last words of Ernesto Che Guevera You must be...
  4. burninghope13

    I Once.

    i once got really high fell in a fire and got half a bin melted to my arm that was pretty retarded but its all good scarrings prety much away now
  5. burninghope13

    Sex.. Better High or Not?

    its something me and a few friends have debated a few times and unfortunitly enough majority of females iv been with have been against smoking so i have only had the chance to do it high once or twice but i think it was better. i want to know other peoples opinions as afew of my friends say its...
  6. burninghope13

    Longest time to show sex?

    my plant didnt show sex for about a month then on morning i looked at it and it was covered in those lovely white hairs
  7. burninghope13

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    was 13 and rediculosly drunk she was 15 and sober regret it alot i might add but awell cant change things now. just goes to show how good it was being a teenager around here haha dont talk to her anymore after she slept with 1 of my best friends so i slept with her sister 8)
  8. burninghope13

    2 Weeks Flowering, Pics!!! Hawaiian Snow, wwXssh mix

    some really nice looking plants there mate im quite new to this and my first grow is just about 2 weeks into flowering but which strain is the one with the dark glossy leaves. have a little look at my grow pictures if you want im trying the stick it on the window sil and leave it alone method...
  9. burninghope13

    List of stoner movies?

    anything by kevin smith (clerks 1/2 mallrats jay and silent bob strike back dogma etc) afro samurai (not stoner movie but its a anime with samuel jackson as pretty much evry one) knocked up infact anything with seth rogan is good leathal weapon films are good to just got the boxset beacause me...
  10. burninghope13


    where about is that and how much is the weed in the netherlands as iv herd its about the same price as britain but never actualy cheched and depending on what people wanna do i myt talk them into giving cool runnigs a visit partialy just because its name reminds me of a film i used 2 watch when...
  11. burninghope13

    hey all

    next time iv some money ill give that a look into cheers
  12. burninghope13

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    good thread will come in useful when i harvest your pics are tasty man all those jars of bud would make any man happy haha if all that was put in frount of me id blow my load :D the plumbers awesome aswell
  13. burninghope13

    hey all

    thanks for the advice. where can you get them i live in scotland so its a bit harder to locate decent stuff that doesnt cost an arm and a leg . i will try and get some for the smaller plant i have just now but the big girl ill just leave to do what she wants.
  14. burninghope13


    me and a few friends are planning on going out to amsterdam for my friends 18th does anyone have any recomendations on good places to stay,get food and such and which are the best/cheapest coffeeshops. i know you can find most of ths stuff online but im asking here as i want to get info from...
  15. burninghope13

    Po po stories?

    never been busted for growing hopefuly never will because they take the piss with sentencing growers u could end up in the jail for about the same amount of time as a rapist thats fuked up. been caught quite a few times with shit on me tho never been fined or anything just had warnings a few of...
  16. burninghope13

    Virgin Stories

    i used 2 smoke with my mum was good laugh but shes stoped now wich is anoyingm im growing now so at least shes not gonna take bud ofa me haha. my first time properly smoking was down at the beach with a few friends and a baggie of white rino i got off my friends dad took us ages to roll and...
  17. burninghope13

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    best i had was probably with my ex when we where in the middle of a park and im sure there was a couple on the other side of the hill doing exactly the same was all good till the exs friend decided 2 come over 2 see where we were and ruined the moment. second best was in bus toilets on the way...
  18. burninghope13

    Back to the guy that hits her, again. Bye.

    fucking right man haha iv been single 6 months now and life is so much easyer miss the constent suplie of sex though (unless she was in a mood then its was like trying 2 get blood from a stone) but yeh i always end up with an anti toker to so i ether have to not smoke around her or she trys 2...
  19. burninghope13

    wat kind of stoner r u

    dont really like cigs much they smell terrible and the smell lingers a cigar once in a blue moon is good especialy if youve a lil ganja and a bito patience :blsmoke: but rather smoke a few joints nd no cigs if possible but when im at college i smoke sigs as i cant smoke anything else at break...
  20. burninghope13

    First Memorable Stoner Moment

    first notable stoner moment for me was when me and a few friends were sitting in and we decided to cook something in the microwave and me and joe wer sitting staring at the microwave blazed out our face and when the microwave pinged we jst kept making pinging noises and the people in the other...