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  1. E

    Fan Leaf Size

    Man, I'm just hoping these 2 are girls. They are monsters already! I've never seen pot plants grow like this, so I'm excited.
  2. E

    Fan Leaf Size

  3. E

    Fan Leaf Size

    I'm on my second grow now. It's my first grow under HPS. I did my entire first grow under CFL and it turned out so so. A few decent buds but nothing to write home about. I've noticed a huge difference in growth now that I have them under the HPS. I started these from seed under a full...
  4. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Thank everyone for the replies. I wasn't the OP in that thread over at nameless forum. He was the paranoid one. I was simply stating what was "possible" so yeah I got my answer. Infact, the OP of the other thread eventually came in and said that the info I provided him was exactly what he...
  5. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    You're right, but sometimes having to prove a point drifts into the realm of stupid. Sorry bud.
  6. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Right, and I agree with that, and that's what I have been trying to tell them over at that other board lol. Is the message board owner giving out your information to the feds? No, probably not. But he asked about posting images discreetly and I posted the thing about using imageshack and the...
  7. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Sorry, you guys don't really have a point of reference I guess. Basically, a thread was started on another message board where someone wanted information on how to discreetly post photos. Another poster replied and said "Why not just upload them to FORUMNAME" to which I replied with the first...
  8. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Ok, I guess I didn't phrase it right. Here goes: Without knowing the owners of, I cannot say one way or another if they are giving IP addresses, usernames, email addresses or anything else to police agencies. Although, I will say, that it is unlikely. I also have to say that...
  9. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Original quote that referenced RIU:
  10. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Here's the original post that brought up RIU in the first place:
  11. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Also, I'll give the mod the benefit of the doubt, he didn't ban me although apparently free speech and personal preferences aren't high up on his list of stuff he digs.:wall:
  12. E

    I've been told I'll be banned here!!

    Ok, so on another message board I won't mention the name of so not to break any rules, I'll post my original response to a question someone had about image hosting for weed forums. Ok, so a mod said, go post that shit about the owners of RIU and see how long you last being the...