Fan Leaf Size


I'm on my second grow now. It's my first grow under HPS. I did my entire first grow under CFL and it turned out so so. A few decent buds but nothing to write home about.

I've noticed a huge difference in growth now that I have them under the HPS. I started these from seed under a full spectrum CFL, then switched them to 18-6 after week 1 and have kept them there ever since.

Vegged for 5 weeks total. Switched to 12/12 3 days ago. Now, my question is, does the size of the leaves have anything to do with either the strain or what you can expect at harvest? I understand there are many more possible things that will determine that, but I have some crazy huge leaves right now and it makes me wonder if it's indicative of anything.

My largest plant is 19 inches high and has leaves that are easily larger than my hand. I measured one of the "fingers" of the largest fan leaf and from the bottom of the leaf to the tip is around 10 inches. This is something I didn't experience under the CFL's so I'm really more curious than anything.

big happy

Cannabis Sativa:These plants are characterized by long thin flowers and spiky leaves. They originate from equatorial regions where the growing season is hotter. They are not generally used for outdoor cultivation in colder climates, although some hybrids can produce good yields in such conditions. Cannabis sativashave more of a high than Cannabis indicabuds.

Cannabis Indica:These plants originated in the Hindu-kush areas of Central Asia, where the weather is changeable and growing conditions can be harsh. Hardy plants, they mature early and are characterized by broad, short leaves and heavy, tight flowers. Cannabis indicavarieties are ideal for indoor and outdoor cultivation in cooler climates.

Cannabis Ruderalis:Cannabis ruderalis is a variety of cannabis that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. It is characterized by its early flowering, with some plants starting irrespective of the photo-period. Cannabis ruderalisis ideal for cultivation in cooler climates and areas where conditions are harsh. There are Dutch hybrid varieties available that combine Cannabis ruderalisand Cannabis indica


New Member
a fan leaf will tell u what type of plant it is(sativa/indica)
and if ur having prolems,it will show in the leaves
thats about it


Man, I'm just hoping these 2 are girls. They are monsters already! I've never seen pot plants grow like this, so I'm excited.