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  1. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Yup, It's too late now! I appreciate all of the feedback, but I didn't want to waste the little i did have. If its any consolation, the little bit does look great (It's almost done drying). I just don't get why you dry kb so much. It was so moist and looked amazing and now that i have...
  2. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Number one, I posted a couple before and no one responded. The plant stopped growing completely a couple weeks into flowering so after a couple months of watching every leaf turn yellow and wither up, I made a decision. Plus, I stopped using fertilizer over a week before I chopped so I think...
  3. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Thanks, I agree!
  4. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Since no one responded to my last post, I went with my idea. I started feeding it water (distilled) for the last week or so (i think it's been like 8-9 days) and today I cut it and started drying. I cut all the leaves off and hung the entire plant upside and now have it in a dark room with a...
  5. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    I fed the plant with jack's classic 20/20/20 during veg state. I have used cfl lighting the entire process. During veg it was 16/8. I am feeding the plant Jack's classic african violet mix during flowering. I follow directions for both and I have a water meter to check soil and water...
  6. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    I agree 2, but I don't know what to do with little time left. I also don't know what the problem is. If someone could look at the newer pics i put up, the view is pretty clear. MAybe one of you guys could actually give me a clue on what's wrong and what to do. Thanks so much for...
  7. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Flowering for 2 months.
  8. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Thanks. I respect both of your opinions. Gonna wait for a tie breaker!
  9. Medicinal Man

    Help-Plant almost ready, but starting to die

    Thanks. My internet has been down since I did this post. Actually, that day I started two threads bc of how goofy my internet was acting. I actually would like to combine both posts, so I'm directing anyone who wants to try and help (which is greatly appreciated) to the other post I made...
  10. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    sorry i didn't get back sooner but my internet connection at home was out completely. Provider had to actually come out and repair the line outside. I am back now though and I still have the same questions. I did take better pics and also started flushing bc I followed the two ways to...
  11. Medicinal Man

    Plant dying with about a week left

    Hi, i recently posted about when to harvest my first plant (a cutting from my real first plant that i goofed up). I got great feedback and realized I had a bit of time left. So I stopped flushing it and went back to jack's classic african violet fertilizer for the remainder until I'm ready...
  12. Medicinal Man

    Help-Plant almost ready, but starting to die

    Hi, this is my first grow. I tried before, but ended up cloning and restarting bc i goofed up. This one has been without incident until now. In the last coulpe weeks, I posted about if my plant was ready for harvest. I had initially asked bc the plant stopped growing and the leaves are...
  13. Medicinal Man

    When to harvest?

    Thanks, wow this is great bc i think the local garden center doesn't handle questions like these. I appreciate your speedy feedback. Couple questions if you don't mind, I got a 100 x pocket microscope and still can't see too much, is it me, or is it pretty tough to see. Also, I had started...
  14. Medicinal Man

    When to harvest?

    Question, when do you harvest? I goofed up and lost my notes of when I started 12/12 and can't tell if it's ready for harvest. I've tried a pocket microscope to check, but still can't tell. I have some pics. Seems like it hasn't grown in last two weeks and looks like it would be done...