Plant dying with about a week left

Hi, i recently posted about when to harvest my first plant (a cutting from my real first plant that i goofed up). I got great feedback and realized I had a bit of time left. So I stopped flushing it and went back to jack's classic african violet fertilizer for the remainder until I'm ready to flush just prior to harvesting. I started noticing several of the leaves are dying and I'm getting nervous I won't make it to harvest. The other thing is that the reason i thought the plant was done is that it hasn't grown in like three and a half weeks. So now the leaves are also dying, I'm worried the plant is dead or dying. Help please!!!! p.s I tried this same post this morning but it didn't go through so I did this one figuring it must have not uploaded. If by some chance the other one goes through 2, I'll delete it and work off of this one. Thanks again!



Well-Known Member
i think maybe the plant is dying because its ready to die, its reaching the end of its life and putting all its energy into its buds, every plant does this, however i cant be certain, im not very good at diagnosing nute burn, so get someone else's opinion to make sure it is not nute burn and it is just the plant getting ready to die


New Member
not putting you down DR but the plant wouldn't die because its going into flowering... that wouldn't make sense, some plants survive after flowering and are able to go back to veg... but good thought

anyways its probably the lighting heat because i notice only the tops are getting bad and shes pretty tall... if it was ferts then we would see problems in the lower leaves as they get nutes first so they'd be first to be killed or start dying... are there dying leaves at the bottom i cant really tell? if so then you might actually just have to flush more

if you could take a couple more pics that were a bit closer we'd be able to give you a better diagnosis

this late into flowering though may limit your possibilities but in all reality i think you'll be fine... just get back to me with some closer pics and I'm sure we'll be able to sort this out
sorry i didn't get back sooner but my internet connection at home was out completely. Provider had to actually come out and repair the line outside. I am back now though and I still have the same questions. I did take better pics and also started flushing bc I followed the two ways to check and both looked about ready to me (I think). I checked the Pistils and tried my hardest with a 100x scope to check the trichomes. I heard it takes about 10-14 days of flushing with regular water so I thought I should start. I used bottled water treated with reverse osmosis (not sure if I went overboard, but I heard it helps). Help Please!!!!!



Active Member
sorry i didn't get back sooner but my internet connection at home was out completely. TWC had to actually come out and repair the line outside.
my friend i would not tell us who your provider is.
as for the plant i would move the light and vent it better sounds like your stressing it with the temp (though you never said the temp so it is a guess). this would explane why it stopped growing and why your leaves are drying out like that.
my rec. is to pull em before they die better to have some bud thats almost ready than nothing.

and get some real nutes man there not that expensive. if you go dry you can get enough for your life time of 3 plant growing for 60 buxs for the flower and veg stuff from GH and it can be used in soil just the same


that plant looks like it needs more then one more week


Well-Known Member
It's flowering, yellow leafs are just a part of the process. They are simply grown in Veg to store energy, and work as photocells. As those photocells start to fail to meet the plants energy demands the plant simply breaks the leafs down into energy for it to use on it's main function which is of course to help the plant survive by flowering. If the plant is as soon to being done as you say then you have plenty of foliage left.


Well-Known Member
that plant looks like it needs more then one more week
i was gonna say the same thing chitown,,,,how long has she been flowering

I agree with these guys all the way. I think the reason she is not close to being ready is becasue she ahd some sort of plant problem that has held her back and delayed pregressive flowering. Sometimes when plant issues arrise you have to compensate for time flowering at the end. Some plant problems can lay dormant for the entire first half of flowering then bam it shows up hard and sudden. Cal/mag issues are often like this. :peace:
I agree with these guys all the way. I think the reason she is not close to being ready is becasue she ahd some sort of plant problem that has held her back and delayed pregressive flowering. Sometimes when plant issues arrise you have to compensate for time flowering at the end. Some plant problems can lay dormant for the entire first half of flowering then bam it shows up hard and sudden. Cal/mag issues are often like this. :peace:
I agree 2, but I don't know what to do with little time left. I also don't know what the problem is. If someone could look at the newer pics i put up, the view is pretty clear. MAybe one of you guys could actually give me a clue on what's wrong and what to do. Thanks so much for everyone's input.


Well-Known Member
I agree 2, but I don't know what to do with little time left. I also don't know what the problem is. If someone could look at the newer pics i put up, the view is pretty clear. MAybe one of you guys could actually give me a clue on what's wrong and what to do. Thanks so much for everyone's input.
Lets start with some details about food, feeding and ph.

Peters correct? NPK?
What else, other than npk does your food have in it?
How often do you feed?
How often do you water?
dude its just bc youre flowering. My girls always do this. I never change anything and they do it on their own towards the final stages of flowering. Mine are doing that as we speak and all is well. Just keep an eye on your trichs and dont forget to cure haha
I fed the plant with jack's classic 20/20/20 during veg state. I have used cfl lighting the entire process. During veg it was 16/8.
I am feeding the plant Jack's classic african violet mix during flowering. I follow directions for both and I have a water meter to check soil and water every two or three days depending on how moist or dry. It was perfect until a couple weeks into flowering and then it just stopped growing and the leaves are dying. leaves are dying from top and bottom of the plant. It hasn't grown since then and leaves have just gotten worse and worse. I began flushing with water this week bc this is from some top of the line bud (major kb) and I'd rather have some than none. It hasn't filled out the way I thought it would, but even that little bit smells crazy and is super sticky. SInce in my estimation the plant is dying, I should start wrapping up. I was gonna flush for another couple days and harvest what I got. Any ideas? Thanks
Since no one responded to my last post, I went with my idea. I started feeding it water (distilled) for the last week or so (i think it's been like 8-9 days) and today I cut it and started drying. I cut all the leaves off and hung the entire plant upside and now have it in a dark room with a fan circulating air on it for about 20 hours a day (at least that's what I'm gonna try since I just hung it about a couple minutes ago). My one question is if I can just hang the whole plant upside like in the picture I attached, or if I am suppose to hang each bud seperate. My other question are how long should this take (I didn't feed it for the last two days to make drying quicker) and do I have to cure it after drying? Thanks

