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  1. mushroomziggy


    hope this helps, When plants are too cold they turn purplelish red im sure they will be fine if the temp doesnt drop again good luck -zig ps. not sure about the whole shriveling thing, underwatering maybe?
  2. mushroomziggy

    LSA Trip

    i highly suggest doing a crystal extraction. you do this by using the same method for extracting dmt except instead of using mimosa or any other dmt containing plant you use morning glory seeds. the process isnt very long and can be found all over the internet. erowid has one if im not mistaken.
  3. mushroomziggy


    you must be a lucky guy then. because i only see it about once or twice a year. That is what BULK is for ;-) come on? whats everyone here getting all worked up over? and to answer one of your questions. I love lsd. but if you are really worried if you will freak. or how dumb you look. you...
  4. mushroomziggy

    2cb Anyone tried it?

    my first 2cb experience was my only one. I had E with 2cb. all i can say is im never doing anything that unnatural again. :spew:
  5. mushroomziggy

    Think i got the pics of the late grow going now..god im a fuck up!

    hey man its always fine to start late it just makes the yeild less in the end nice mushroom :peace:
  6. mushroomziggy

    10 days old, is it okay looking?

    damn, thats is going to be one pretty lady when she gets older. :peace:
  7. mushroomziggy

    1 leafe is shorter then the other

    its all normal bro, you can control how well you take care of a plant but you cant always control how the plant looks. but that seedling looks completely good. have fun :mrgreen:
  8. mushroomziggy

    Washington Outdoors

    Had to pospone on putting them in a miniature plexiglass greenhouse, the last two days have been nothing but thunder and lightning Shroomery? i hope your not saying i belong there instead of here :blsmoke:
  9. mushroomziggy

    doing shrooms for the first time

    all i gotta say is i hope your having fun. and do the lemon juice tek next time if your mentally prepared. have fun in space man :blsmoke:
  10. mushroomziggy

    Washington Outdoors

    startin a new outdoor just for fun grow. ive been growing for a while and a couple of months ago i did a aero grow that wouldve been beautiful if it wouldnt be for a real estate agent. :roll: but my outdoor hobby is still around. i think i might do a journal . i got 20 babies almost ready to...