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  1. S

    need some white widow help

    ive heard of things like lemon juice etc but you'll have to look into that yourself i just use ph down as i don't care about chemicals as i think the organic argument lacks credibility imho
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    need some white widow help

    not a clue unless sites playing up
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    need some white widow help

    sent you a pm swampy
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    need some white widow help

    your N ranges from 5.5 to 8.0 in hydro but you can ph the tapwater, sorry i didnt make that clear i would ph it to 5.6-5.8, sorry for the confusion me fellow swampy
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    need some white widow help

    i really can't answer that question as i don't know how strong half a spoon of nutes is going to be, i can tell you what i would do myself tho, i would give them tapwater as it usually has a ec of 0.2 and above depending on were you live, if after a couple of days the leaves start turning a...
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    need some white widow help

    ec tells you how strong the nutes are in the water, if youve got nute burn the ec meter would have told you this before the damage was done. looking at those babies of yours i would have started with a ec of 0.3 so you add nutes until you achieve this and if ec goes down you up it by .1 etc but...
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    need some white widow help

    ph is right then but you really need to know the ec, if you guessing that i would put them on just water for around 3-4 days and then add nutes very gradually ,,, you really need a ec meter more than a ph meter dude regards
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    need some white widow help

    are you using ec and ph meters ?
  9. S

    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    yeh this ones got the lot of them all 16, did a sog grow so used the tropf blumats because i couldnt get at the back ones ,,,, oh well live and learn i suppose
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    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    not got a clue why ths happend, i started from clones, no light exposure at all as i said earlier the only thing ive done different this time is to use microkote coated pots and a tropf blumat drippers and clones from a mother ive never cloned from before
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    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    don't even think ill bother flowering her to do that ill have to put it amongst other plants and not chancing it ill just let it finnish and spend about 2 days picking out seeds , sounds fun,, NOT THANX FOR ALL YOUR HELP GUYS
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    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    sorry seapis i must have been poting as you replied ive got 4 mothers but first time ive used this one, i never use seed but never had this happen before yes 100% its a mother ive got that one a sensi star, big bang and a skunk no 1
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    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    thanx rucca thats what i was thinking of doing ive ponderd over this grow and can think of nothing ive done wrong but i did do a couple of things a bit different to normal first i used microkote coated pots and second i used tropf blumat drippers for watering lol its got me baffled only ting...
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    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    yeh it is all of them shall i just let them continue growing
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    Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

    ok, as you guessed from the title i got seeds in my bud and i got 3 weeks left, im growing kush its not just one or two its loads, shall i just let it finish and spend time tryin to take them all out ? what's the best thing to do
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    hi jsut a couple of quick Qs ive searched everywere for peters but not available in the uk but i have found dyna- grow, found a 9-3-6 called foliage pro and a 3-12-6 bloom theyre here are these the right ones ? can't get spinout...
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    white widow and the church