Seeds in bud ,,what do i do ?

ok, as you guessed from the title i got seeds in my bud and i got 3 weeks left, im growing kush
its not just one or two its loads, shall i just let it finish and spend time tryin to take them all out ? what's the best thing to do


Active Member
Depends, if it is your only plant just let it go. How did it get pollinated? Is it a hermie? If it was a hermie and you had other plants with it, I'd just chop it and cook with it or something.


Well-Known Member
There isn't much you can do now. You have a hermie or a male in your grow. If one plant is pollinated, the rest are likely to be too. :(


Active Member
Yeah just let em go their course, learn what you did wrong, and try not to repeat it. You'll prolly find that some buds aren't as seedy as others and I would definitely separate the least seedy buds from those awfully seeded ones.


Well-Known Member
You may as well if you want seed for future grows. You'll get some bud out of it, but not as much as you would have. You'll want to learn how to sex your plants. Buy a jewler's loupe of 10x, 20x or 30x and start looking for signs of sex after 7-10 days of 12/12. remove males from the room as soon as you spot them. They are useless unless you are breeding. The loupe comes in handy for also identifying pests and checking trichomes for readiness.


Well-Known Member
Forget to mention, what happened to you sucks. I'm sorry to hear it. Read up on cloning. It is simple to do and once you establish a good strain, you can just use cuttings off your plants to continue to produce females. It is very easy to do and costs a lot less than ordering seeds for your grows.
thanx rucca
thats what i was thinking of doing
ive ponderd over this grow and can think of nothing ive done wrong but i did do a couple of things a bit different to normal
first i used microkote coated pots and second i used tropf blumat drippers for watering lol its got me baffled
only ting i can think of its the first timeive used this kush mother plant


Well-Known Member
Mother plant? Are you 100% sure? If so, you had a hermie spread pollen to the rest of the ladies. The only way this happened was you did not sex your plants and remove or reverse a hermey.
sorry seapis i must have been poting as you replied
ive got 4 mothers but first time ive used this one, i never use seed but never had this happen before yes 100% its a mother ive got that one a sensi star, big bang and a skunk no 1


Well-Known Member
I see. One of your plants went hermaphrodite on you and pollinated the entire crop. If you know what mother it was, I'd flower her and get rid of her. She may Hermey as well if stressed. That sucks, especially when cloning. It indicates that the plant is likely to do it again.

Good luck
I see. One of your plants went hermaphrodite on you and pollinated the entire crop. If you know what mother it was, I'd flower her and get rid of her. She may Hermey as well if stressed. That sucks, especially when cloning. It indicates that the plant is likely to do it again.

Good luck

don't even think ill bother flowering her to do that ill have to put it amongst other plants and not chancing it
ill just let it finnish and spend about 2 days picking out seeds , sounds fun,, NOT



Active Member
I would figure out ass soon ass possible why they went to seed! most likely you had some light ex poser when in the flower must make sure you room is 100% dark for 12 hours during the bloom cycle any inconsistency in the light cycle it will hermie on you. basically too much stress will do it.did you start from seed or clone? if you grow a seed you found in a bag of weed it will most likely be a hermie seed which will turn out a hermie plant.
I would figure out ass soon ass possible why they went to seed! most likely you had some light ex poser when in the flower must make sure you room is 100% dark for 12 hours during the bloom cycle any inconsistency in the light cycle it will hermie on you. basically too much stress will do it.did you start from seed or clone? if you grow a seed you found in a bag of weed it will most likely be a hermie seed which will turn out a hermie plant.
not got a clue why ths happend, i started from clones, no light exposure at all as i said earlier the only thing ive done different this time is to use microkote coated pots and a tropf blumat drippers and clones from a mother ive never cloned from before


Active Member
Yeah, I'd be thinking that plant was a hermie too. Recently had one turn on me and didn't notice until it was too late. Whichever plant is just filled up with seeds to a gross amount is your herm - I had cloned mine and confirmed male and female parts on the clones.
Yeah, I'd be thinking that plant was a hermie too. Recently had one turn on me and didn't notice until it was too late. Whichever plant is just filled up with seeds to a gross amount is your herm - I had cloned mine and confirmed male and female parts on the clones.
yeh this ones got the lot of them all 16, did a sog grow so used the tropf blumats because i couldnt get at the back ones ,,,, oh well live and learn i suppose