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  1. KroniK09

    High yielding strains, techniques etc

    Well that plant turned out great, lots of bud & near the bottom smaller buds that dried faster & gave me somethin to smoke before the good bit was dry..i see your point tho but i wanna replicate that grow as best i can
  2. KroniK09

    High yielding strains, techniques etc

    When i last grew properly we always made sure the light was 21 inch away from the plant, & it seemed to be perfect that way I used a 400W hps inside a 3x3 6ft wardrobe (guessing the size but its roughly that)..but this time im making a cfl light setup for veg, since the heat is pumped almost...
  3. KroniK09

    High yielding strains, techniques etc

    cheers for the reply, on my successful plant, we topped that to stop it from getting any taller, il get to topping when the time comes, mainly im asking if a long veg period should give me a high yield.. im gonna be using a light made from around 6 cfl's for veg, then 400w for flower. i can let...
  4. KroniK09

    High yielding strains, techniques etc

    yo, im looking to grow a plant soon & have similar success to what i had this time last year, me & friend got 10 oz off 1 plant (cheese/skunk cuttings) this time last year, it was started on 29th of november & done by february, with a massive unexpected 10 oz dry... Basically i think we veged it...
  5. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    The worst news for any grower, had a knock at the door this morning & yeah, grows over Advice to any growers or anyone thinking of growing, dont mention ANYTHING to do with growing what so ever to ANYONE, not your best friends, not someone you see every now & again, not anyone atall ever. i...
  6. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    im gonna repot & post pics tomorrow, im wondering what pot size to go for, another thing i cant get a straight answer on, iv read some say 1 gallon some 2g, i have 7 inch pots which iv read are equal to around a gallon, should that be ok for a little automatic or should i go bigger?
  7. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    Cant see any signs of sex yet, i assume in the next week or 2 they will show. Might be a dumb question, do i count the weeks from when i put the seed in or when the seed came up & popped leaves?
  8. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    updated pics, need to research about sexing them, theres only going to be 2, hopefully 3 plants if the weak looking 1 makes it, hopefully their all female. any tips or advice on how to tell whats sex they are? pics
  9. KroniK09

    Anyone grown Auto's with Terra Flores

    yo, My plants are in week 2 & i need to sort the nutrients out, i have Terra Flores & pk & can get rhizotonic & cannazym aswell if necessary, but has anyone ever grown autoflowers this way & were the results good? there needs to be more info on auto feeding, & a perfect nutrient guide for...
  10. KroniK09

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    didnt mention before that iv got all the fan leaves/ trim, doubt theres any use for it but dont want to waste it just incase. iv smoked it aswell & it doesnt seem to get me high atall really, but is it worth making anything with the leaf & stem trim, theres no thc that i can see
  11. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    picture update
  12. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    Their in Terra Professional pro plus, had the soil a while but it still seems ok & iv got no idea what the temps are, i wanted to buy a cheap room temp test but they were expensive everywhere seeds are coming up slowly
  13. KroniK09

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    the plant started as a bag seed (out of some UK "weed" people actually call it weed not bud, its dark & heavy & seedy but never found out what it is) & grew on a uk windowsill for 5 months, started in winter january & had some ill lookin times, till summer hit & got bigger, i put her under a hps...
  14. KroniK09

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    Yea it seems a bit fresh cut grass smelling to me, but i definately will NOT be tossing it Naaa thats not me, i want a smoke lol.. il try do a few suggestions & see how they go, if i have enough & the grass turns out to be alrite..ordered scales earlier so hopefully they get here in the next 5...
  15. KroniK09

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    i grew a plant before, some proper cheese, if u touched it the slightest bit during flower, it would stink, & if they didnt smell till they were chopped & dry then what would be the use for carbon filters? i hope my plants just ugly ass FIRE, but cant see it happening tbh
  16. KroniK09

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    nice 1 for the suggestions, keep em comin Yes i think its as shitty as it gets, no offence taken. I may do that (bake it), but iv never tried a space cake & dont wanna eat it & be sittin there waiting to notice a high & get nothing, but it is an option no doubt il be burning some up to test...
  17. KroniK09

    Harvested some terrible bud, what to do with it? -Pics-

    So i just chopped my windowsill, turned closet hps plant, basically she was 4 months old looking weak as hell until summer hit, where she grew bigger & bigger, i put her under a Hps with fans & everything under 12/12, fed her terra flores & sparing bits of cannazym (cannazym left from older grow...
  18. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    cheers, moved them down a bit & think the seeds are starting to come up, we will see in the next few days, il be keeping this updated. also there are 5 seedlings in soil now, i put the 1 on the windowsill to see if it made a difference. as i said, we will see what happens
  19. KroniK09

    1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic

    no motherfuckers can answer? they still havnt popped above soil after 2 days, soil dried out yesterday & keeps seeming too dry on the top so i mist them, but are they fucked or what? im probably gonna fuck this journal off anyway, cant get basic answers off anyone