1st seed grow, G13 Labs Poison Dwarf Automatic


This is my 1st grow in a cupboard, a budget box thats cost me barely anything to put together, its not as neat as it should be, but it should do.
Il be using:
4x 20W CFL (20W=100W equivalent)
4x 12v PC fans (2 Intake 2 Exhaust)
& used some aluminum trays for reflectors which im not sure do very much.
Theres light leaks on the front that i cant sort out, so im just gonna find a sheet that doesnt let light through & drape it over the front.
need to get some carbon sponge to put over the fans at the back to keep light in & hopefully stop some smell in future.

I ordered my seeds from Attitude & was impressed with how fast they arrived, ordered sunday night, had them tuesday & came with 4 freebie seeds that i plan on growing after these.

started germinating 5 earlier, hope for 3 females to go in there & if all 5 are fem then il probably put them on the windowsill

Questions i have for anyone that can answer
1. Is there a all in 1 nutrient for them? i know they dont need them till week3
2. I plan on using 3x7" pots, will they be big enough for auto's?




Active Member
hey man good setup so far....its all about the DIY lol.
as for the pots...depending on how small ur gonna keep them they should be fine. ur plants will let you know if they need bigger pots.
the nutes...im sure there are but im not sure which ones. i would say fox farms.
im subd man
happy growing and peace out.


4/5 seeds have sprouted, potted 3 of them & started them off on 24/7 lighting.
Question, can i use just terra Flores? or will i require others?, im in search for an all in 1 nutrient i can give it to be convenient



Wanted to post/ask this earlier, after potting the seeds & watering the soil giving it some moisture, i came to them the next day & the soil was BONE dry, atleast on the top, assuming i put them a bit too close to the cfl (pics) so iv moved them lower, buttt my question is, should the seeds be ok now iv watered the soil? or once theyv dried up is that it?
also potted another today so theres 4 if the other 3 make it, 1 seed left to germinate some more


no motherfuckers can answer?

they still havnt popped above soil after 2 days, soil dried out yesterday & keeps seeming too dry on the top so i mist them, but are they fucked or what?

im probably gonna fuck this journal off anyway, cant get basic answers off anyone


Active Member
put the light about 3''-4'' below the light and keep them misted...ive seen seeds pop out of the soil in as little as 18 hours and ive also seen them pop out in 2 weeks...just keep them wet and be patient...if they dont show in 2 weeks then scrap em


cheers, moved them down a bit & think the seeds are starting to come up, we will see in the next few days, il be keeping this updated.
also there are 5 seedlings in soil now, i put the 1 on the windowsill to see if it made a difference. as i said, we will see what happens


Their in Terra Professional pro plus, had the soil a while but it still seems ok
& iv got no idea what the temps are, i wanted to buy a cheap room temp test but they were expensive everywhere
seeds are coming up slowly


updated pics, need to research about sexing them, theres only going to be 2, hopefully 3 plants if the weak looking 1 makes it, hopefully their all female.
any tips or advice on how to tell whats sex they are?
RIMG0001.jpg1 (16).jpgRIMG0003.jpg


Active Member
for males look for little oval balls...there will be more than one of them eventually.they kinda do look like green ball sacs lol. Females just have 1 part to them, so in the beginning of of preflower for females it will look sort of like a tear-drop shape with 1 or 2 little hairs coming out of them.
i hope that helped....if it didnt i would try google lol
plants are lookin nice btw


Cant see any signs of sex yet, i assume in the next week or 2 they will show.
Might be a dumb question, do i count the weeks from when i put the seed in or when the seed came up & popped leaves?


im gonna repot & post pics tomorrow, im wondering what pot size to go for, another thing i cant get a straight answer on, iv read some say 1 gallon some 2g,
i have 7 inch pots which iv read are equal to around a gallon, should that be ok for a little automatic or should i go bigger?


Active Member
a 1 gallon will be fine but 2 gallons= the bigger the space your plants have to grow roots...the bigger they will be


The worst news for any grower, had a knock at the door this morning & yeah, grows over
Advice to any growers or anyone thinking of growing, dont mention ANYTHING to do with growing what so ever to ANYONE, not your best friends, not someone you see every now & again, not anyone atall ever. i dont know how i got found out, but i must of opened my mouth in the wrong area at some point.
DTA dont trust anybody
I hope to be back 1 day but probably under a different name & when im in a different house
thanks to everyone that tried to help me out & take care