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  1. Elfgizmo

    Rollitout Stealth Wardrobe Closet

    Thats pritty cool man, remindes me of a Hydro Hut. How much did it cost you to build it? I hope you grow some monsters out of that thing. Catch ya later man, Peace out.
  2. Elfgizmo

    nutes on my leaves

    First off what type of lights and soil are you using. All ready i noticed that you could probably use alot more Perlite in your mix. Alot of soils strait out the bag is too dense to grow with, adding Perlite will make your soil drain better which in turn gives roots the space they need to grow...
  3. Elfgizmo

    help.... babies are leggy

    It could easily be the lights. What type of lights are you useing? If your useing florescents then you can put them as close to an inch away from your babys without them burning the leaves. Also if you dont have a fan blowing on them it will cause the main stem to sometimes be flimsy. A light...