nutes on my leaves


Active Member
hey ppl, i got my nutes yezzer day and mixed a week solution to start feeding and i think i got some on 1 of the leaves, heres a pic. all advise very welcome cheers,, :confused:



Well-Known Member
Morning jaymz
First- wash it off as soon as it happens ,if you know it happened...BUT that in your pic looks like a little more than a nute got something else going on in your mix I think ...but what I`m not sure.


Well-Known Member
I agree you may have a little more than spilled nutes going on there. How old are they. As far as my grows i dont add any nutes for the first month. Usually if you have good soil they will pull what they need from the soil for the first month, But i do know alot of people start using nutes right away, but i think it is easy to get nute burn that way.


Active Member
First off what type of lights and soil are you using. All ready i noticed that you could probably use alot more Perlite in your mix. Alot of soils strait out the bag is too dense to grow with, adding Perlite will make your soil drain better which in turn gives roots the space they need to grow and expand. I usually put about 25-30% Perlite in my soil mix. Also, If you only mixed up a weak solution of nutes to give them, i doubt that your experiencing nute burn. Peace out.


Active Member
im using a envirolite 200watts blue spectrum and the soil is organic witch i made ph 7 by addin agg lime, and about 1/4 sand 4 drainage its my 1st time growin so im still learnin my plants are nearly 4 weeks old and were lookin really healthy up untill yesterday. i fed them with some canna nutes i bought it says bio vega on the bottle and smells a bit like malasses it says put 10ml to every 5 litres so i did about half of that and that is where im up 2.


Well-Known Member
the pic looks like the leaves got burned from your light might be too close or when you got the nutes on them the moyster acted like a magnafing glass


Active Member
Yeah I agree with dew-b, i have envirolites and if the plant gets too close it will burn!!

Keep them about 6inches away min or you will regret it like i did (See pic)

All the best and good luck


