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  1. S

    1 plant of 7?

    i havent got pics atm but i can try and describe it, this is my first grow so im a little inexperienced. basically 1 of my 7 plants looks like its finished but the other 7 dont and im only in like 5 weeks flowering i think. the leaves are going yellow/brown only on one of them. but the other 6...
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    drum & bass

    i smoke weed everyday, sleep all night smoke the whole day away. yeah mate drum and bass all day long. love it.
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    Simple Humidifier

    my tent gets quite humidified when i water them u can feel it when i go in there after u done it
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    Bought a Sweet Grow Cabinet from Goodwill for $50... now i need your help (pics)

    dont make it to obvious your hiding somthing. and thats a sweeeeeeet cab wish i had one looks more pleasing than a huge black and green tent lol. make a journal please!.
  5. S

    help!!! how many ounces?

    thats a big first grow. i have a wee 7 plants. i love em lol. and can some1 tell me what + rep is all about im kinda new havent really learnt that stuff yet. hehe
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    Bleach + water curing

    actually i dont.. and your assuming i have no responsibilities. jock. ask me before u make a retarded comment like that again.
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    Bleach + water curing

    my mums the best mum i could have asked for she let me grow weed? does that make her ive never been spoilt, we're not rich, part of the reason she let me do it. and who are we hurting. and if thats the case even when u move out they still should stop u breaking the law that never ends...
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    Easiest Way 2 Kill A Marijuana Plant?

    i hope r not ruining some1's plants cos thats like messing with a mans car..its a no go. if u are and i was the kid whos plants died cos of u i would go spare..but yeah id say snap it. or bleach..or lots of nutes constantly.
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    Bleach + water curing

    dont have a go at that kid cos he didnt ask to be born into that house so really its as much his as it is theres because he lives there..and they dont straight away seize your house and shhhh. and no im not some snotty nosed kid. i was brought up well but i dont agree that his...
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    Bud with seeds

    My bro told me tht this morning lol. after i said i just grinded them up and smoked them. i thought yeah hippies always got kids.
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    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    btw wikipedia is one of the most unreliable things to read from because its people posting basically, my gf took a course at college and she wasnt aloud to use it, not because its copyright, because it could be wrong.
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    Bud with seeds

    nope smells like weed just slightly different. not fabric softener
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    Bud with seeds

    yeah u got it i mean i try and obviously take the seeds out i can see an that but if theres like 1 or 2 that ive grinded i dont mind i dont just fill a j with seeds and spark it, f that.
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    Bud with seeds

    its weird there like in the bud its been obviously imported from africa or somwhere and been pressed into blocks cos its well hard and stuck together sort of. (im from uk, never seen weed like it over here we've been calling it old school ganj) and yeah i just grinded it and smoked it and im...
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    Bud with seeds

    i heard bud with seeds doesnt get u stoned and if u smoke the seeds it gives u a headache, ive been smoking bud with lots of seeds and ive smoked the seeds, no headache, and im stoned? type of weed i think is african bush.
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    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    What Dus Dat Mean? Draw Back...
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    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    in england we mix it pretty much the whole time. i ve heard that you smoke it pure,we call it a blunt, not sure about u. weed is expensive over here compared to there so smoking it pure wouldnt last u that long.
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    Quick Question

    thanks man will do that, i tried the old soapy water thing and that didnt do f all to them, i think the sticky paper is a good idea, the do seem to walk on the side of the pot alot. i wanna repot them cos the roots are probably fucked. and the pots there in arent that big so it should help them.
  19. S

    Quick Question

    thanks man. another question, sorry. my plants are about 1 an 1/2 weeks into flowering, its still cool to re-pot them into bigger pots, will it help the plant grow a bit, and does it matter if u mix soils i think the soil im using is attracting the bugs i got i think. and its f-ing annoying..:@
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    Quick Question

    what plant on experience tends to give the biggest yeild and is pretty nice smoke? cheers