Quick Question


Well-Known Member
the eternal quest for the biggest and the best... lol......theres a heap of them,,,you need plenty of space and LOADS of light and most strains will yield well


the eternal quest for the biggest and the best... lol......theres a heap of them,,,you need plenty of space and LOADS of light and most strains will yield well

thanks man. another question, sorry. my plants are about 1 an 1/2 weeks into flowering, its still cool to re-pot them into bigger pots, will it help the plant grow a bit, and does it matter if u mix soils i think the soil im using is attracting the bugs i got i think. and its f-ing annoying..>:(


Well-Known Member
some people say that transplanting them in early flower is fine,even good as they stress out and have a vigorous growth spurt.. other people say its not good.... I think if you do it carefully its ok...but maybe you dont need to transplant (if yr only doing it to get rid of the bugs?)... try using some fly paper,, I use it for those little suckers and it works well... I just place the sticky fly paper on the side(inside) of the pot and they all jump on and get stuck there... hope that helps :^)


some people say that transplanting them in early flower is fine,even good as they stress out and have a vigorous growth spurt.. other people say its not good.... I think if you do it carefully its ok...but maybe you dont need to transplant (if yr only doing it to get rid of the bugs?)... try using some fly paper,, I use it for those little suckers and it works well... I just place the sticky fly paper on the side(inside) of the pot and they all jump on and get stuck there... hope that helps :^)

thanks man will do that, i tried the old soapy water thing and that didnt do f all to them, i think the sticky paper is a good idea, the do seem to walk on the side of the pot alot. i wanna repot them cos the roots are probably fucked. and the pots there in arent that big so it should help them.