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  1. Seven2one

    Legal buds ??

    Well it is in the process of becoming illegal. Here's a link y'all can read up on. Basically they tried smuggling in a marijuana (THC) 'equivalent'. Now they got caught. They also think it may have some health hazards. The HU-210 uses a similar...
  2. Seven2one

    Legal buds ??

    I looked at a lot of video's online. You Tube has a couple of reviews. Most people say it smells and smokes(the taste) like potpourri. The only one that actually got people the high that your looking for is called 'spice'. It is really close to becoming illegal in most places if it's...
  3. Seven2one

    Brownies with Frosting

    Haha! LMao :clap: But yeah probably burnt out all the THC we let it stay in the butter over night at a select temperature... maybe too long?
  4. Seven2one

    Brownies with Frosting

    PS: It's not the first time we've made them. Just these were with an ounce and were supposed to have frosting. But failed. -So confused. Seven.
  5. Seven2one

    Brownies with Frosting

    We decided to ditch the frosting due to the lack of willing people to make the frosting. (sounds dumb, but true) Well non the less the brownies were fantastic! :clap: And by fantastic i mean they tasted good. Because somewhere in the process we must have messed up. made the brownies with an...
  6. Seven2one

    Brownies with Frosting

    Will do, I'm going to pick up some .. stuff today to let the process begin.
  7. Seven2one

    Brownies with Frosting

    Oh that butter creme sounds delicious. Thanks alot doobnVA! I'll post an update on how they went and maybe some pictures.
  8. Seven2one

    Brownies with Frosting

    So me and a buddy came up with the idea of making a frosting to put on top of some dank brownies. So this weekend were both getting a half and soaking it in 2 sticks of butter overnight that's simmering. Then were making brownies the next day that'll be really dank. With dank frosting on...
  9. Seven2one

    My short Grow room idea

    Any Idea's on the Required lighting? Ventilation and Grow medium? All input is appreciated. Thanks Seven
  10. Seven2one

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Nice bud dude. I'm just getting ready for my first set here in a month or so. Hopefully mine turns out just as nice.
  11. Seven2one

    My short Grow room idea

    The lights are adjustable, slide on the string.
  12. Seven2one

    My short Grow room idea

    I've got a small space about 2.5 feet tall and it's relatively wide. I was thinking about growing some plants in there..... So basically, I was wondering your overall thoughts on the layout of the grow area. What type of soil i should use and how much for a large plant. Very large. How...
  13. Seven2one

    When to seperate the male from the female

    As soon as you notice you should separate the plants. Unless your intrested in producing seeds or shit with seeds.