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    Male Plants: DONT THROW THEM AWAY!

    wondering if anyone else out there has tried this...please share
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    Lowryder 2 grow HELP

    thanks everyone. but its been over weeks now and NO SEX? i said 1st time lowryder grow but im starting to think i dont have lowryder alhough plants are still only 7-9 inches. ???.
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    Lowryder 2 grow HELP

    Yea those are the same plants just individualy
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    Lowryder 2 grow HELP

    thanks man... is there no one out there?...
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    Lowryder 2 grow HELP

    This is my first lowryder 2 grow. It is day 25 and they have shown no signs of sex. I dont have the most powerful light setup but in my opinion my plants are very healthy and growing very well. I am using 2 13w LED panels (1 on each side of my box). 1 50w LED panel on top. And 1 15watt cfl...
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    Cloning Question?

    I have a question about clone sizes?. I know depending on the strain, sizes vary. But id like to know what are the best strains to clone that dont get too tall. Help Anyone?
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    Vegging plant showing signs of sex. Help me determine. Pics

    make some cannabutter.... trust me it works
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    Led autoflowering

    Hey everyone. Has anyone out there grown autoflowering cannibus (lowryder 2) with LED's. I am starting my own grow as I write this i have 2 13 watt led mixed blue and red bulbs and on 50watt mixed blue and red bulbs. I am putting the two 13 watts on the sides and the 50 watt over the plants...
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    Stealth Hydro LED Set Up

    you can put that light as close as a couple inches away. goodluck. im trying LEDs too this week once my seeds come up
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    Dark period before harvest

    would this theory hold true for auto-flowering plants. I ask because altough they only go through about 6-7 weeks of flowering. Would it maybe be better to keep them off for the last 48-72 hours? ~Smoke Blissfully, Life Is Good
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    Male Plants: DONT THROW THEM AWAY!

    btw if you are going to try this the butter must be on a light simmer for those 90 minutes. Bring the water and butter to a quick boil. add the plant matter and reduce to a simmer and WATCH IT. You want as much water as possible to evaporate but at the same time if too much evaporates u risk...
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    Male Plants: DONT THROW THEM AWAY!

    Im not a pro yet lol...but i would assume the thc content would maybe get little bit stronger. Try giving it one more week. From what i read it probably woulndt be thats signifigent of a change but hey it wouldnt hurt to try. Since i used only one stick for two medium-large male plants and...
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    Soil Besides Miracle Grow (Autoflowering)

    thanks everyone for your input it was very helpful
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    Soil Besides Miracle Grow (Autoflowering)

    I jsut started my lowryder 2 seeds in jiffy pellets today. I know some people dont believe in planting lowryders but im trying it. Since its and autoflowering plant whats would be a good soil to use. Id like to know especially because alot of people say miracle grow is crap. Thanks. ~Smoke...
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    wow those are nice white widow plants. Im just worried about the fuckn FBI or local authoriteis waiting a bit then pouncing on me when i got my grow going.
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    i wanna breed some lowryder#2! who has done this

    I have heard if u keep it on the refrigerator and mix in a little bit of unbleached flour like a 4:1 ration of pollen:flower it will keep for up to a year. If i had to sway in one direction i would say less than a year though.
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    I ordered my seeds from www.marijuana-seeds.nlwas this a good or bad choice?
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    ph up and ph down???????

    i didnt know about the lemon juice down and baking soda up. Thanks guys. ~Smoke Blissfully, Life Is Good!
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    Male Plants: DONT THROW THEM AWAY!

    it works with the females too. You can use a little bit of bud if you want too but its not neccesarry. I have made this butter without using any chronic the small amounts of THC in the plant just get extracted into the fat molecules. (My females were 4 ft each and 4 of them)