i wanna breed some lowryder#2! who has done this


Well-Known Member
i wanna buy 10 lowryder seeds and make the most seeds that i can !

i never tried this breeding stuff so i have no idea what to expect ! how many seeds can i get off 5 female lowryders and 5 males for pollen??

im hoping a 3.5g bud can hold 5-10 seeds???

can anyone fill me in on how dense is the seedation on buds!! haha i made up a new word " seedation lol


Well-Known Member
just start all 10 if you have room. you only need I male so when they show sex, pick out the best male or 2 and kill the rest.
never counted but I must have gotten a few hundred seeds off of 2 females.
& soon as you start them,get them into deep pots.they seem to throw a deep taproot & grow taller if in a deep pot to start IMHO
I am getting my lowryder# 2 seeds this week. It will be my second grow and I chose this strain for it stealth possibilities. I hope it works out well I got a solid plan for them since im not away at school any more. I will post back if the plan is successful


Active Member
I simply kept two males of each auto strain I purchased (attitude) and placed them under a compact florescent in the corner of my bathroom. I placed paper cones around each plant to collect the pollen, which I both painted on selected flowers and saved in vials for future use. I did get a little worried about production and repeated more than I should. Ended up with way more seeds than I could ever count. I also left the males in the same 4" pots they were germinated in, as size or vigor wasn't a primary concern. They produced an abundance of pollen under very marginal conditions.

I would just stick with one female, perhaps the one that displays the phenotype that you are looking for (you should see three: short mega cola, medium/bushy, tall & lanky). I would also pollinate as early as possible to assure mature seeds, and would harvest a little past maturity for this exact reason. Make sure you pollinate in isolation, spray with water, and reintroduce. I only ended up with a couple of random seeds on non-pollinated neighbors. Lastly, you will want to hang to dry in cardboard boxes lined with string to hang on, one for each strain. Your drying plants will literally be raining seeds, and the box (or something similar) will help contain things.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I simply kept two males of each auto strain I purchased (attitude) and placed them under a compact florescent in the corner of my bathroom. I placed paper cones around each plant to collect the pollen, which I both painted on selected flowers and saved in vials for future use. I did get a little worried about production and repeated more than I should. Ended up with way more seeds than I could ever count. I also left the males in the same 4" pots they were germinated in, as size or vigor wasn't a primary concern. They produced an abundance of pollen under very marginal conditions.

I would just stick with one female, perhaps the one that displays the phenotype that you are looking for (you should see three: short mega cola, medium/bushy, tall & lanky). I would also pollinate as early as possible to assure mature seeds, and would harvest a little past maturity for this exact reason. Make sure you pollinate in isolation, spray with water, and reintroduce. I only ended up with a couple of random seeds on non-pollinated neighbors. Lastly, you will want to hang to dry in cardboard boxes lined with string to hang on, one for each strain. Your drying plants will literally be raining seeds, and the box (or something similar) will help contain things.

Hope that helps.
wow dude!! it sure does help! thank you!
I have heard if u keep it on the refrigerator and mix in a little bit of unbleached flour like a 4:1 ration of pollen:flower it will keep for up to a year. If i had to sway in one direction i would say less than a year though.