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  1. C

    Male or female?

    i dont see any white hairs yet, i know what they look like... but it looks like something is starting to form where the hairs would be and i cant tell if it has balls starting to form
  2. C

    Male or female?

    yeah i know these are shitty pictures, they were taken on my phone.. but this is the only plant left, other one was a male and i think this may be too. any ideas from the pics, theyve been flowering for about 5 days. first two are of the unsure one and the last is the male i just picked. and...
  3. C

    light question

    hey i just stumbled upon a sylvania 400w h33 mercury bulb, can this be used for growing at all.. veg or flowering? thanks, lee
  4. C

    how much longer?

    yeah ive been using a liitle molasses and some bloom booster.. this is my first grow so im pretty happy how its turning out so far...
  5. C

    how much longer?

    hey i know this is a crappy pic but any guesses on how much longer until it finishes?
  6. C


    ok my plants are around a month (maybe a little longer) in veg state.. im wanting to start the flowering stage.. should i transplant before i start to flower so i dont have to do it again later? i have 5 plants and they are all on they're 5th or 6th alternating nodes...
  7. C

    first time grow - watering questions.

    yeah ive asked a few times how to water and no one realy explained it to well, so this helped me out too
  8. C

    quick question

    yes i do have holes in the cups as well
  9. C

    quick question

    No i havenet fed them anything yet, I asked about feeding them on here before and was told i should wait a few weeks. They're only 2 weeks old. they're in mg african violet mix has a pre balanced ph that matches that of this plant, and i just moved them into the big cups about 2 days ago and...
  10. C

    quick question

    ok so heres one of my trees, i cant figure out why the leaves are curling though... i asked before and i got mixed between under/over watering. i water them about every two days and only a small amount.. anything i should be concerned with?
  11. C

    what does this mean?

    as if it wouldnt be a big no no anywhere else? ha
  12. C

    what does this mean?

    ok thats the grow box, 6 5500 k day light cfl's and thats what the plants are all doing
  13. C

    what does this mean?

    ill take some pics real quick of the setup
  14. C

    what does this mean?

    all 5 of my plants have there leaves pointing up towards the light, is this normal?
  15. C

    drooping leaves

    got them under 6 5500k cfls, and i have 6 (5 that are doing well)
  16. C

    drooping leaves

    i was only giving them a small amount, maybe a few ml.. should i not do this and just do what you said and only water them every few days?
  17. C

    drooping leaves

    should i just not water them for a day and see how that goes?
  18. C

    drooping leaves

    what exactly does this mean? i thought they did this when they needed water but ive been giving them a good amount. i gave them something to drink last night turned the lights off around 12am, turned them back on at 8am and the leaves on a few plants are drooping down pretty bad.. these are...
  19. C

    how does it look

    i should transplant them now you think? i dont think the roots are even taken up the cups yet... im a noob though so tell me if im wrong
  20. C

    how does it look

    heres an updated picture of 2 of them