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  1. C

    how does it look

    i have 6 5500k cfl's on them as of right now. i have 6 of them that are around the same size except for one that is small and looks retarded. im not using any nutes yet.. when should i start and what should i use?
  2. C

    how does it look

    yes there are 3 holes in the bottom and 2 holes on the sides
  3. C

    how does it look

    its day 5-6 about 1.5 inches tall, second leaves are starting to grow out as well
  4. C

    new growage

    oh yeah? how can you tell, im still kinda new at this
  5. C

    new growage

    ok this how all 6 of my plants look at 4 days, sorry the pic is crap (its off my webcam).. there all about 1.5 to 2 inches tall
  6. C

    no light question

    ok goos to hear
  7. C

    no light question

    yeah i was just going to hide them for a few hours, my dad is coming over for a visit and hes always snooping around for things.. go figure
  8. C

    Germination Help

    what i just did and has great results (10 out of 10 seeds) was to soak the seeds in water in a coffee cup covered with something to keep the light out overnight, then moved them into a moist paper towel and let them sit inside a coffee cup with a lid to keep moisture in... by the next day all...
  9. C

    no light question

    ok i have six plants that just started (about 1/2 - 1 inch).. they are under 24 hour light right now, i was wondering if they were to be in the dark for a few hours if that would stress them out at all and cause any problems.
  10. C

    after germination

    ok thats what ive been doing just wanted to be sure, thanks
  11. C

    after germination

    mg african violet mix, i read on here is should be ok because it has a slightly acidic ph (6.2-6.8)
  12. C

    after germination

    ok so i have 9 seeds that germinated. ive put them into individual cups, i was wondering how much water if any i need to give them to start. I know i need the roots to stretch as much as possible but i didnt know if i should water them a little or not..
  13. C

    germination problems

    im using miracle grow african violet, its got a balanced ph that is correct for this type of plant
  14. C

    germination problems

    6 of the 10 have already cracked and grown a tail out of them since ive put them into the paper towel... guess the pre soak worked alright. ok next question is: i have the 6 germinated seeds in individual cups of soil, do i need to put any water in these at all or is there enough moisture in...
  15. C

    germination problems

    ive moved them into a paper towel, guess we'll see what happens
  16. C

    germination problems

    it is under the grow faw, under seeds/how do i germinate my seeds 2. Standard Soaking MATERIALS: Cup/mug (one that retains heat well; i.e. ceramic coffee cup), plate/dish/lid (big enough to cover cup/mug/etc.), warm water. PROCEDURE: In this method, the grower places his/her seed(s)...
  17. C

    germination problems

    id read in the grow faq under germination that you can do it this way... so i just followed what the guide said..
  18. C

    germination problems

    ive had about 10 seeds soaking in a cup for almost 24 hours and i dont see anything going on, they are all sitting on the bottom (not floating)... are the seeds no good or did i do something wrong?
  19. C

    DIY CFL Fixture (pics)

    yeah im talking about a 3 socket bathroom fixture
  20. C

    DIY CFL Fixture (pics)

    im not sure what your talking about with the sensor... im kind of a noob when it comes to electrical work.