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  1. L

    When Should I Start A Grow in cali ?

    i live only about 1 1/2 hours from you. ive never had any problems with heat stress or anything...str8 from seeds let them pop outside..usally most ppl start outdoor around mid may or when rain n frost stops.most ppl i know will start veg indoor about month early then put them outside when time...
  2. L

    leaf problem

    ya thats what im doing trying dry it all out.even poked holes in the soil to help try it out going give it a day or 2 b4 i try to give it some water.still lil moist if you ask me can feel it more when i stick my finger in at the tipof my finger but things seem be alittle better.
  3. L

    leaf problem

    ill try to take pics in next few days.pots feel a bit heavy if you ask me?was careful n checked just seem2 be bit moist but i cant go that far.ill see if next few days helps at might be crappy since i only have webcam.
  4. L

    leaf problem

    Well my plants leafs drooping a little more away from plant cud be over watering?thought mayb all long..saw few leafs return 2 normal earlier n top soil was dry from hot day but pots seem 2 be heavy?and leafs near topof plant seem 2 be curling in a bit(very top grow tip).shud i got water and...