leaf problem

Well my plants leafs drooping a little more away from plant cud be over watering?thought mayb all long..saw few leafs return 2 normal earlier n top soil was dry from hot day but pots seem 2 be heavy?and leafs near topof plant seem 2 be curling in a bit(very top grow tip).shud i got water and wait for pot to get lighter?need help thanks.


Well-Known Member
need some pics its hard to diagnose with what you have here, but i wouldn't water until you can stick your finger down in the soil and feel little to no moister. oh and there is a spell check on this site, you might want to try using it. itll help a ton.
ill try to take pics in next few days.pots feel a bit heavy if you ask me?was careful n checked just seem2 be bit moist but i cant go that far.ill see if next few days helps at all...pics might be crappy since i only have webcam.


Well-Known Member
push your finger into the soil and if it feels moist up to your knuckle then you dont need to water. A plant will bounce back from underwatering far better than overwatering so without pics I would say no more water till we see them.
If they are still wet you may have over watered I am doing a soil setup as well and my buddy who does all hydro decided he was gonna show me how to water cuz he is more experienced than me. However what he showed me was a perfect example of how to overwater and I knew he did so I disregarded what he said and the plants he watered looked a little bit pissed the next day droopy leaves and all. It is always better to under water than over water. You can always add more if needed but you sure as hell wont b able to suck it out.
Just let the plant(s) dry out pretty good so they are as dry as possible without harming the plants then give them half the water you did before and if you are using nutrients just use straight water the next watering. And you also may wanna check and see if you are using too much nutrient cuz that can make the plants sad as well
ya thats what im doing trying dry it all out.even poked holes in the soil to help try it out going give it a day or 2 b4 i try to give it some water.still lil moist if you ask me can feel it more when i stick my finger in at the tipof my finger but things seem be alittle better.