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  1. H

    post your outdoor grow pics here.. lets see um

    Hey denofearth how did you get your plants to be that bushy? Did you supercrop?
  2. H

    Growing Salvia

    They do like high humidity but can be acclimated to the humidity in your house once they have enough roots.
  3. H

    Growing Salvia

    Hey man ive had some plants for about 6 months and mine have grown quite a bit. If your interested you should check out
  4. H

    A little worried

    Im growing them outdoors and they get from about 9 oclock till about 1 in the afternoon for sun
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    A little worried

    bump can anyone help me?
  6. H

    A little worried

    Alright well they only have 3 sets of leaves and the males are starting to flower. Im not really sure what i did wrong(if there is something wrong). Anyone know if they'll continue to grow or if they will flower now and ill get like 2 grams off the plants?
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    A little worried

    Ah sweet thanks so much you guys! Anyone have a link to a good lowryder growlog? I havent been able to find one yet.
  8. H

    A little worried

    So My Lowryder #2s are about 13 days old and are only starting their second set of leaves. I think they start to flower in 21 days? so am I going to have really small plants/ low yield. Are they going to take off in the next week. Maybe they take longer than 3 weeks to flower. Anyways thanks guys!
  9. H

    Transplanting Seedlings

    Sweet thanks alot man!
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    Transplanting Seedlings

    So I have 9 lowryder #2 seedlings in expandable peat pellets which are aprox. 3 inches tall with only 1 set of leaves due to alot of rain and not much sun. When i trasplant them into pots could i bury the stems so they are only 1 inch tall leaving 2 inches under the soil?
  11. H

    Early flowers.

    Hey so my girl still hasnt switched back to vegging and is def. continuing to flower and were getting almost 14 hours of light a day? so is this some kind of autoflowering strain?
  12. H

    Lowryder #2 Question

    Im trying to get an early crop, as well as a regular crop.
  13. H

    Early flowers.

    Already a subscriber haha
  14. H

    Early flowers.

    Alright thanks for you help man
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    Early flowers.

    would topping the flowering part help? Or would that just stess her out more? I also just checked the light cycle too, and its over 13 hours a day.
  16. H

    Early flowers.

    Yup enjoying that natural sunlight :)
  17. H

    Early flowers.

    Hey everyone so I've had this bagseed plant for about a month now (maybe a bit longer) and I can see little hairs coming out the top of it where the growth tip is. Its about 4 1/2 inches tall. So here's my question, Is it some kind of autoflowering strain or have i just planted it too early and...
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    Lowryder #2 Question

    That would work but you cant clone autoflowering strains. Makes it a bit tougher.
  19. H

    Lowryder #2 Question

    bump. anyone?
  20. H

    Lowryder #2 Question

    Also does anyone have any experience with using aspirin?