A little worried


So My Lowryder #2s are about 13 days old and are only starting their second set of leaves. I think they start to flower in 21 days? so am I going to have really small plants/ low yield. Are they going to take off in the next week. Maybe they take longer than 3 weeks to flower. Anyways thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Im not positive but my guess is the plants is preparing for a big surge. I found so far (1 grow, repotting) that the smallest plants hieght wise have the bigger root systems. I have a pair of northern lights females right now, the small bushy one had roots starting to turn in a 1.5gallon pale after 28 days while the taller (twice as tall) one had DICK for roots upon transplant. I understand that autos dont get big to begin with. I have 9 1in blueberry low sprouts right now on day 3 I wanna say, just starting there first set of reel leaves. I personally wouldnt worry about it if you start them in the pot theyll finish in.


New Member
Yea I grew 2 lowriders, one was 30% taller than the other and did not display as dense a root structure as the runt. SHe will show flower at 21 days from seed (In my experience. They did shoot at 14 days after first flower. Don't worry. I got 25G ea dry. 60 days. Good high. Kinda lanky, not bushy at all. I took them to HPS 12/12 as soon as they showed and they shot!! I think I should have left them 18/6 MH but what the hell, I was flowering regulars at the time.


Ah sweet thanks so much you guys! Anyone have a link to a good lowryder growlog? I havent been able to find one yet.


Alright well they only have 3 sets of leaves and the males are starting to flower. Im not really sure what i did wrong(if there is something wrong). Anyone know if they'll continue to grow or if they will flower now and ill get like 2 grams off the plants?