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  1. Y


    is this the same stuff you would buy at a hydro store>? I hate going to a hydroponics store Do i have other options reather then using rockwell cubes ? also heard that this stuff is good to use in net pots...
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    How to keep pH in check when you are not home.

    How to keep pH in check when you are not home. pH goes up as the plant grows and absorbs plant food. If you a going to be away for more than a weeks time, most likely the pH ion in your stock tank will climb over 7. This is not good, as it prevents the plant from absorbing nutrient. ...
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    How Much nutrients do I use in a 19Liter bubble system

    Hi all, I'm new here and I'm new to hydro and looking for some pointers.. I have a 19 liter rubber made container for veg and blooming into.. I want to keep them small no bigger then 1 foot fully budded.. I am working with just tube lights thats why. I have a question about the nutrients i'm...
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    Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF

    bump... bump....
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    Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF

    i'm just asking about the nuts anyways ... am I asking in the wrong forum? becase all I'm getting for answers are bucket size and lighting
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    Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF

    bump.. bump..
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    Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF

    i just want clowns that just rooted to go into bud stage right away, I do not want tall plaints, I would rather more small plaints then less big ones i thought i would ad what types of plaints i'm working with, all are from BCBUDONLINE sweet tooth Sweet God The Purps. and I have 4 of the 19L...
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    Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF

    what? you cant get 4Oz's per plaint under CFL light 80 watts .. thats only tube lights lol.. sure I could put only 4 in this 19L I have not made my mind up on how many yet... I just cant see 4 OZ's each plaint under a 80 watt CFL tub light
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    Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF

    Hi all, I'm new here and I'm new to hydro and looking for some pointers.. I have a 19 liter rubber made container for veg and blooming into.. I want to keep them small no bigger then 1 foot fully budded.. I am working with just tube lights thats why. I have a question about the nuts i'm using...