Newbie how do I ; Nuts DNF


Hi all, I'm new here and I'm new to hydro and looking for some pointers..

I have a 19 liter rubber made container for veg and blooming into.. I want to keep them small no bigger then 1 foot fully budded..
I am working with just tube lights thats why.

I have a question about the nuts i'm using .
I know it says;
1.25ML per liter of ( A )
and 1.25ML per liter ( B )

but thats a total of 47.5ML with (A) & (B) together, it just seems like alot for 19 liters of water..

if this is to much can you explain why and tell me what would be better... I have taken a photo of the feeding schedule ..

thanks for all the help.

Note; I'll be putting in 6 clowns in. I think my system is called a bubbler becase there is just air stones bubbleing at the bottom.



Illegal Smile

19 liters is what? 5 gallons? That's small since you would only put maybe 3.5 gallons of water in it. Why not get a little bigger and grow say, 4 large plants adding some cfls? 12 inch plants are going to yield like one ounce. Wouldn't it be better to get 4 oz each from 4 plants?


19 liters is what? 5 gallons? That's small since you would only put maybe 3.5 gallons of water in it. Why not get a little bigger and grow say, 4 large plants adding some cfls? 12 inch plants are going to yield like one ounce. Wouldn't it be better to get 4 oz each from 4 plants?
what? you cant get 4Oz's per plaint under CFL light 80 watts .. thats only tube lights lol..
sure I could put only 4 in this 19L I have not made my mind up on how many yet...

I just cant see 4 OZ's each plaint under a 80 watt CFL tub light


i just want clowns that just rooted to go into bud stage right away, I do not want tall plaints, I would rather more small plaints then less big ones
i thought i would ad what types of plaints i'm working with, all are from BCBUDONLINE

sweet tooth
Sweet God
The Purps.

and I have 4 of the 19L containers that I will be using.. I was only talking about 1 on my 1st post so nothing would be confusing

Illegal Smile

what? you cant get 4Oz's per plaint under CFL light 80 watts .. thats only tube lights lol..
sure I could put only 4 in this 19L I have not made my mind up on how many yet...

I just cant see 4 OZ's each plaint under a 80 watt CFL tub light
I didn't say 80w, I just said cfls. I use around 400 watts of cfls.


i'm just asking about the nuts anyways ... am I asking in the wrong forum? becase all I'm getting for answers are bucket size and lighting


Active Member
well nute wise.

unless your using 2 nute's meant to be used in combination bad things will happen at the recomended dose of both

just an example. if u add 1.25 mL of A per liter @ 10-15-10, and 1.25 ml of B per liter @ 8-13-11, you just made 1 liter of 18-28-21

and that could be stronger than your shooting for

although there are 1000 mL per liter, so at 19,000 mL the nut sulution is only 0.25% of your total fluid mass. that is to say, 1 quarter of one percent of your liquid will be nut.