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  1. S

    2ozs per plant

    I don't have a mother I take cuttings right before flower. It's a pain but I love having variety. Side note : I did my first seed , feminized SLH and it is a female, whew. I'll find some pics it's hard to capture with my iPhone.
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    2ozs per plant

    What can I try different? I have 9 plants that veg for 9 weeks from 3" clones. Diy drip system that recirculates. I run h.peroxide because I don't have air stones. They get in between 2-2.5ft in 9 weeks. They are under 6 4ft t5s in the white spectrum mounted horizontal. I use gH nutes that...
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    spider mites

    If u can keep ur humidity down then spray your buds with lights off. If ur pests strips work then good. When you dry your bud keep a small light like a T5 far higher than the dry. The mites cannot live in dead bud completely. They will go to the heat source. Wipe the light once a day. I wouldn't...
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    Freezer for Rez/chiller combo

    Make sure your fridge is seperate from your room. Or you will be canceling out the cooling and heating. Your room temp will increase which might not help in the long run. I tried using 100 ft. Of Cooper and a freezer to help with my water cooled lights and it worked until the room got hot from...
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    Trouble getting a seedling started

    Soak a paper towel In water, wrap the seed in it. Put it in a zip lock bag. Set on top of cable box for two days. Do not open sooner as much as u want to. The bean should crack and then you can put in a plug.
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    Why are my Plants sagging?? Help Please!

    I believe under watering. You can also keep ur ppm to 500 until they are nice and strong with good healthy roots.
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    2000w HPS Purple Kush Scrog Medical Grow#2

    I read all 18 pages!!! Wow, first journal that kept me around from beginning to current post. I'm planning my next grow and I have some down time. Good luck with the bugs you are half way there to some greatness. How much a P are you getting from the co ops if you dont mind me asking? How...
  8. S

    another hermie problem =(

    here are some pics of the calyxes (sp?). maybe the little ball is nothing but growth and not a seed forming... i took some extra pics of the nugs also, enjoy.
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    another hermie problem =(

    thanks! also i love your trailer idea. someone told me they were growing in an industrial building. i told them to be careful because the fire marshall can come in. he had a great idea to use a trailer in the building. that way if the marshall wanted to come in for an inspection he could...
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    another hermie problem =(

    thanks for the help and info everyone. I'm still a newb and just got worried and trying to catch any problems ahead of time. I always use the search button and google because I know how board members can get a little mad about repeat posts and questions. i feel the love here tho! good looking...
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    another hermie problem =(

    I bought clones from a local store and never paid attention for hermies. I'm in the 5th week of flowering and found these. I popped a few and no seeds just the hairs and some had a small white/green ball in the sac. no light leak and the only stress has been weather change with rain outside...
  12. S

    super green

    i'm a freakin newb. i have so much reading to do but i'd thought i would say wassup to everyone. later! -M