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  1. goldenchronik

    Indoor Going Outdoor Need Lots Of Advice :)

    Great Thank You So Much
  2. goldenchronik

    Indoor Going Outdoor Need Lots Of Advice :)

    Hello Roll It Up Bought A New House Last Winter, With An Acre And A Half. Have To Make Room In The Indoor Grow Room For New Baby :) I Want To Plant Outside But I Need Advice. Such As Nutrients And Soils. I Have A Batch Of White Widow Seedlings There 3 Days Old. Need Advice Soon...
  3. goldenchronik

    First Grow! Please Help Answer Quesions! Grow Journal Included!

    Might Just Be Easier To Throw Them In Your Bedroom Window. The Negatives: Farmers Within 20 feet, Gotta Think Of Smell. Plants Grow All Different Sizes, Depending On Weather, Sun, Nutrients. The Deeper You Dig The Hole The Less Sun The Plant Might Get. That Power Line Structure Belongs...
  4. goldenchronik

    What Is Eating All My Leaves

    I had about 50 white widow babies that i started from seeds, I threw them out into the bush and i come back a week later theres no leaves on the plants and nothing but a stock sitting out of the ground so I lost ten.... Went out today and bought slug bait hoping this will help but,, wat other...
  5. goldenchronik

    Starting 30 plant indoor grow

    Hi i havent been here in a while but i recently cropped and got 109 ounces and im gonna start a little indoor proect. Im gonna be growing the strain called ice indoors. i was wandering if u could tell me what i would need to get that all going. everything from lights to nutrients Thank...
  6. goldenchronik

    Looking For Alot Of Help :)

    cool cool anymore ideas keep them coming if aerogros arnt good what would be better bubbleponics? hydroponics?
  7. goldenchronik

    Looking For Alot Of Help :)

    well i live in bc so it gets real hot for about 2 weeks of the summer. im hoping you guys could tell me how much space i need with 2 of those growing systems i plan on growing 120 3 different strains i also have a question about led lights are they worth the buck or not Thank you in...
  8. goldenchronik

    Looking For Alot Of Help :)

    Hello Rollitup Community. I am currently gonna start growing indoors but i am building it from scratch. We have a nice spot outback and i am planning to build the shed and everything. Im looking for what YOU all think i would need. Money is not problem so just tell me everything i need...
  9. goldenchronik

    Outdoor Problem Purple Mold???

    but it is only the top 3 buds on one, the other purple is growing up the stock about 2-3 inches
  10. goldenchronik

    Outdoor Problem Purple Mold???

    also its only happening on a few buds and the leaves are starting to dry and fall off only around the buds
  11. goldenchronik

    Outdoor Problem Purple Mold???

    Hello Rollitup Ive been watching my crop latley and 2 of my plants are starting to grow this purple on there buds. One of them has it on the buds the other has it on the stock. I already lost one to mold but it was white not purple This information could be really helpful Thank you in...
  12. goldenchronik

    Outdoor Babies Need Answers :) PICS :)

    I moved the males into a different location actually different properties lol, Thank you for the nutes guide it looks very professional lol
  13. goldenchronik

    Outdoor Babies Need Answers :) PICS :)

    Hello Rollitup, I had a couple questions of the pictures below. I was wandering if you could tell me the approximant yield by eye. There is 28 , 7 of them turned out to be males which is ok cause i have tons of seeds for next year. My biggest one sits at 4 1/2 feet and smallest at 3...
  14. goldenchronik

    First Time Outdoor

    Ok well Thank you guys for your help and letting me know they look healthy and fine but my biggest next question is wat do u think the yield might be :)
  15. goldenchronik

    First Time Outdoor

    I got these seeds from a bag i bought and so far they are all females from pictures if seen 2 little white hairs coming from each branch connection and no seeds pockets i dont know if i lucked out or it mayby the bud i got was hermaphadite
  16. goldenchronik

    First Time Outdoor

    Right know i give them a shot of miracle grow 3 days a week and fish guts 4 days a week
  17. goldenchronik

    First Time Outdoor

    guerilla grow you have to fill me in on some of this new lingo :P
  18. goldenchronik

    First Time Outdoor

    Hello Everyone, I recently found this site while looking for some info and it helped alot. I went out and took some pictures of my very first outdoor grow. I was wandering if you guys can mayby tell me some info about them and mayby some tips and pointers. I also live in bc and was...