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    please help! im freaking out!!

    Soil can get pretty dry with a plant that small before it will do any damage. Pretty easy to tell when its ready, it will feel about 15-20% the weight of when it was first watered. Doesn't look like anything yet just make sure all the normal things are good and relax.
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    I stopped in at a friends 15,000w garden the other day and he had also just moved his plants into the room from veg and his plants were showing similar signs and a few looked identical aside from the oil residue that was on my plants. He thought he had over watered them. He did not spray his...
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    Just like using a light mover except I just rotate the lights that are on. Only doing this while in veg once they go into flower all the lights are on.
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    So far I have spoken with 3 other growers 1 with a Boteny degree and the only thing consistent that all three have mentioned as a possibility is Neem oiling with the lights on. I have sprayed Neem oil with the lights on many times without any noticeable issues though it may be stressing them in...
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    Currently I am running the lights checker-boarded and interchanging. Sooo potentially they don't know what direction to aim for because the light direction is changing but this is the first time I have heard of that. Can anyone confirm this as an issue?
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    The issue isn't strain specific and this strain is much younger in it's cloning generation.
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    The plant soil prior to transplant wasn't super dry but they were due for watering. They were transplanted about 8 days prior to this issue and were doing really well. The ReadyGrow Aeration soil is more of a hydro medium. So far everyone I have talked with says it would be highly unlikely that...
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    Soil is Ready Grow Aeration mix by Botanicare. Soil has a half dose of Happy Frog 5-5-5 granular soil mix added for a nutrient base cushion and microbactiera. Nutrient levels are not out of line with anything I normally do. Though I have backed off normal feeding until the situation is...
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    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    I have had this issue about 3 times in the last 8ish months and though that plants always recover it cost me significant time and stress. I can't seem to diagnose the issue. I have opinions and more details about the issue but I don't want to put anything out there yet that might give people the...
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    Hey are you asking about the recirculating drip in soil system? I explain it a little more in...

    Hey are you asking about the recirculating drip in soil system? I explain it a little more in this post Ask away and I will try and explain it the best I can.
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    Recirculating Drip in Soil

    This first image shows the kind of system I am running. Running Botanicare Airation Soiless Mix in 7 gallon pots. 1 Plant per 1000w light & 3x3 tray. System runs for 30 min 2 times a day (lights on and lights off) with three 5gph drippers in each pot. Excess run off water drains down into a...
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    Attic Setup, need help

    Get a tent as your main structure then box it in with 2" Thermasheath or similar product. With an AC unit in the tent and supplemented Co2 with a duct going from outside through the light and outside again you might be good. I would run it with lights on during the cooler time of the day though...
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    larger system questions

    I would suggest 3 600w for good measure. It is possible to get 1.5 Lb give or take off 2 600w light per month but it's not as easy as one would think and would require perfect attention to detail and no mistakes. 3 lights will give you much more of an opportunity to achieve your goals. Either...
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    How to setup grow room?

    I heard of some toxicity issues with grow tents so make sure to get one that doesn't have those issues. Like this maybe
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    10 Plant 4x8 Tent Setup.

    I use cheap ebay 600w MH conversion bulbs in my veg room with great results plus they only run around $25 a pop. I replace them every 3-4 months. I once ran a similar setup in a 10x4 tent with 8 single site DWC buckets and it was a major pain trying to feed and check each plant. Just all...
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    How to setup grow room?

    The amount you want to produce also will play a factor in what the best style will be for you. Also what is your mobility? Do you need to be able to manage the garden completely yourself or will you have help? I don't have any personal experiance with Auto Flower strains. What size do the plants...
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    My Giant Zob Died Today

    Yeah I will try and have it fixed. It is to nice a piece to let it go silently into the night without a fight.
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    when should i flip???? will i get big yeild if flip now

    Waiting till this next weekend is probably a good idea. I would also trim them up underneath and try and create a flat canopy in the room with no undergrowth. Could put in a trellis and use that to spread them out flat, scrog style. Will give you the best potential yield for your current setup I...
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    Yellow Spots on Leaves

    Hard to judge without pictures but most likely it is a deficiency of something not being supplemented in your ferts. A little higher then 7 is also to high you may want to bring your PH down to low 6's. I noticed after starting a new organic tea in flower that my plants were starting to slightly...
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    HPS or T5 with seedling

    Yeah you don't need the HPS till your either ready for flower or have very large plants. You would also want to use a MH conversion bulb for veg. You can still veg under HPS fine and I did it for years but recently switched all my veg bulbs for MH and have seen an overall improvement in the...