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  1. S

    Weed overdose!!!

    It didn't happen to myself, but I was there to witness it. A weekend away at African bush(Remember weed is as cheap as dirt!!!). We decide to make some 'Weed chocolate chips cookies', one of my friend volunteer(That was the beginning of the end . . .) He went to bought a 'BRICK' of...
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    Contactors - help needed

    I don't think you need the contactor. But I'll put the HPS to a separate wall sockets. A wall socket and most extension can handle 16A, it about 1760W(US) or 3680W(anywhere use 230V). HPS have a ballister, so they requires 2 - 3 time of rating power at the first few second to startup. That go...
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    My first grow pix

    I'm in the 5th week of my first grow from bag seed. 4 plant. Hopefully one of them are 'GIRL' . . . I'll put some pictures out when they start flower, but my outdoor plants grow relatively slow compare to the indoor grow. Even they are getting 7 hours of direct sun and 3 hours of indirect...
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    My first grow pix

    Howzit swazifarmer I water my outdoor grow at least 2 time a day. The African sun surely shine a little bit hotter than other country. Nice to see some South African on RIU!!!
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    how long does germination take?

    Be patience . . . It will take 2 - 3 day at least, I have one took 6 day. Good luck!
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    I agree with anberlinaddict. Since I had the same problem a little while back, in my case was under water.
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    Extension cords...

    Try not to plug any heater into any extension cord, it have tendency to burn plugs connected into extension cord. Average consumer appliances breaker rated at 20A, that go with the cable connected between the breaker and the wall adaptor are also at 20A. If you only upgrade the circuit...
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    Need some input please! What are the signs of Under-Water? is there are any similarity with over water? I only water my plant with fine sprayer, and just enough to moist the soil, but some of the plants leafs hanging down like it being over water ??? My plant are 21 days from sprout...
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    Help me out!

    Get a 12Volts DC transformer. Cut out the dc adaptor on the DC transformer, now collect the black wire with the black wire and the red wire with the black & white wire together. Even if you collect the wrong wire together, it still will work, depend what DC fan you got, it may just spin in...
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    How much does marijuana cost in your area?

    Haven't bought any weed for a long while. Here in South Africa, couple of years ago my friends and myself went away for a week long holiday in a remote rural area. I then asks my friends where can we organize some weed, they laugh and told me to asks anybody. So, I did. In the morning we...
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    Seeds and planting

    I germinate mine with wet kitchen towel, when the root are out . I put it in the seedling soil, just cover the seed with a little bit of soil. And I did put it in a dark and cool place. Any light at this stage won't help with the germination, so you could save yourself a bit on the...
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    First timer from Athens

    I read it from other post, don't have the link. You should wait unit all the hair change their colour to 'RED'.
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    Busted by the wife

    Sorry to hear that . . . Guess your wife is the one wear the pants in the house. Maybe you could educate her about the benefits of using weeds, or buy her the whole series of 'WEEDS'. Either way best of luck!
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    5 weeks old starting flowering

    Just wondering, couldn't you just reverse the plant back to the vegetative stage. By 18/6?
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    First oudoor newbie grow

    Look a little bit short for 6 week old plant?
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    First timer from Athens

    Hello, there. I have couple of very closed friends also stay in Athen. Pictures will alway help to determine how far the plant are in the flowering cycle.
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    Two years of breading gave me this...

    She is a beauty! 2 years that must be the longest 2 years. Love to make my own strain one day. I'm follow this post very closely!
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    If pot was leagal would you still grow?

    I'll turn my whole garden into a weed jungle.
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    Experienced with light movers?

    Not try to be funny. What is a light mover???
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    Cost of your electrical bill?

    I'm in the process of planting my first ever :weed:. Right now I'm sizing my options. To 'Indoor' or 'Outdoor', that is the question. I'm gathering all necessary facts and figures. And something come to my attention, The cost of electricity on the setup. With all the lights and fans...