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  1. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Welcome back! Sure. What you're proposing sounds like aero but without the water sprayers or nute soln with air stones in it. I don't think it'll work without active misting of the roots by some sort of system. If your op is in a high humidity location, it's probably better to go with...
  2. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Sorry, I missed that. I use GE Lucagrow HPS lamps. Lucagrow lamps maintain more of their initial luminous output over a standard 12 month service life than any others I've used. Very consistent quality over the years. I can run Lucagrows for 18 months if I want to. Have never had a total failure...
  3. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Thanks for that. I tend to avoid the terms oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang, for reasons which should be self-evident. ;) OK No problem for flood & drain watering systems. World of hurt if you're in DWC or aero. You need backup AC for DWC & aero systems. In terms of...
  4. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    I'm busy. I'll get to you when I have the time to do so.
  5. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Not yet, although I think there may be room to do so when the plants are past wk5. STG LF is very hard to saturate and the plants may benefit from an additional flooding cycle in the middle of lights-on. Presently only flooding at the beginning of lights-on in the flowering area.
  6. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Thanks. :) Bluelab Truncheon. There is no substitute! I felt cheated by the news story. The first story I saw about it had the coppers saying it was $90,000 worth of buds. The 2nd story in the SMH had the photo of the...
  7. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Oh. It was a bag of leaf. from: Well, that was much ado about nothing. Someone ditched a bag of trimmings that would have been much better used in their compost pile. I feel ripped off!
  8. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    It's much more difficult, but you do what you like. Seriously. There's got to be an incredible story behind that. I'm thinking cheesed-off girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse/etc.
  9. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Didn't miss it, ignored it. You don't need my help. You already know everything, don't you?
  10. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Okay, this is as weird as it gets: from:
  11. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Square trays with centre drains (almost all of them) should be level. Some very large rectangular trays have fill/drain fittings on one end- those can be propped up about 13mm on the end opposite the fill/drain fittings to assure full drainage.
  12. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Ah, OK. Assuming the tray is level and on a proper tray stand, which allows the middle of the tray to sag just a bit to permit proper drainage, you might consider replacing the tray fill/drain fittings with PPI style bits (see...
  13. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Depends upon where the algae is forming; a bit of it on the media tops isn't really a big deal- gloppy handsful of it in the tanks is another story. Algae won't generally interfere with your plants (algae is a plant and is nibbling some of the food you're feeding your cannabis plants), but it is...
  14. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    What do you think is easier, turning a couple of valves to pump out a single res for a flood system, cleaning it & mixing up new sauce in it- or removing EACH plant from EACH bucket, dumping, cleaning & renewing the solns? DWC is simply not practical for SoG. No, and I never have done...
  15. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    DWC is OK for small numbers of plants. SoG relies on a large number of small plants. A DWC SoG op would be complex and difficult to maintain. Complexity breeds problems and difficult maintenance leads to poor maintenance, which leads to failed grows. DWC does get more oxygen to the roots but...
  16. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    I've been growing dope for more than 25 years. I've been running hydro ops for 20 years and doing Sea of Green for about 17 years. If you can think of a way to fuck up a grow op, there's a pretty good chance I've committed that particular fuckup (and perhaps a few you haven't yet...
  17. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Hempy is another kind of watering system. I don't understand what you're asking. What? You asked for my advice. I've given it to you. You can ignore it if you like. Good luck.
  18. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    DWC is an advanced technique which I would not recommend for new growers. DWC is highly dependent upon constant air supply. A power or air pump failure lasting more than about 2-3hrs will kill the plant. If you're going to do DWC, you should have redundant air pumps (2 pumps & air stones) per...
  19. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Wow, a press release from a guy who sells cal-mag, who thinks it's a good idea to buy cal-mag. Sold! (um... not) You'll find rumours repeated on several cannabis boards that he has had some historical association with Canna, but this is simply not true. William Van De Zwaan has never been...
  20. Al B. Fuct

    It's A Fuct World

    Ought to be fine. Ca & Mg are micronutes- extremely small quantities are sufficient. Root Riot plugs are compressed organic matter, just like Rapid Rooters. I can't recommend either one. Cloning in aerocloners is all well & good if you are going to grow the clones in an aeroponic or DWC...