It's A Fuct World

Okay, this is as weird as it gets:
Cops puzzled by 'free dope' left on roadside
Police are puzzled by the discovery of three garbage bags full of freshly-cut marijuana with a sign reading "Free dope. Mull up" dumped by a road on the New South Wales south coast. A local man made the discovery on Bolong Road, near Nowra, on Saturday morning while on his way to go fishing. Police say the bags contain around 16 kilograms of marijuana with a street value of around $90,000. Police are appealing for anyone who saw the green bags being dumped to come forward. They say the cannabis will be destroyed.
you have to do something pretty drastic for someone close to you to just give it up for free! youd think they might just run away with it or sell it in bulk or just hide it, but give it away? I MEAN COME ON, AND it fell into the hands of the cops, what a waste
Oh. It was a bag of leaf.
A dopey idea: bags full of cannabis left on side of road Published: November 20, 2012 - 2:25PM Advertisement In what appears to have been a half-baked plan, three bags brimming with cannabis have been dumped on the side of a road on the NSW south coast with a sign advertising "free dope". Shoalhaven police posted pictures of the garbage bags and the sign, which said "Free Dope. Smoke. Mull up" accompanied by a drawing of a cannabis leaf, on their Facebook page yesterday. A local had reported seeing the bags on Bolong Road, Bomaderry, on Saturday morning. Officers inspected the bags and found 16 kilograms of cannabis leaf inside, police said. On their Facebook page, police said the leaf was of little value, as the head of the plant is sold. The cannabis will be destroyed. The local police were not immediately available to elaborate on the incident.
from: Well, that was much ado about nothing. Someone ditched a bag of trimmings that would have been much better used in their compost pile. I feel ripped off!
pftt i was so baked in my last posts and didnt even notice i put dwc........and man who ever dumped the leaves is pretty stupid. not really a good way to get rid of leaves + so heatscore
Hey Al I'm sure you never get tired of hearing this but all of your post, well maybe not all but most. Lol are vary instrumental to me to all the fuct heads out there. Just quick question what kind of ppm meter do you use or could you recommend one for me to buy that works well?

Thanks, again
Yeah I had a theory that no one would ever dispose of 90 kilograms of radankulous, If i were to have found that I would feel cheated, cheated out of something that never belonged to me
So this algea bugs me and im wondering how much effort I should put into getting it 100% gone because ive never had the problem before with the old op

If a little bit wont effect end result mybe I can just go through a 2week cycle before trying to fix it

I feel like I should be sending a check for advice lol u make it so e z thanks
Hey Al I'm sure you never get tired of hearing this but all of your post, well maybe not all but most. Lol are vary instrumental to me to all the fuct heads out there.
Thanks. :)
Just quick question what kind of ppm meter do you use or could you recommend one for me to buy that works well?
Bluelab Truncheon. There is no substitute!
Yeah I had a theory that no one would ever dispose of 90 kilograms of radankulous, If i were to have found that I would feel cheated, cheated out of something that never belonged to me
I felt cheated by the news story. The first story I saw about it had the coppers saying it was $90,000 worth of buds. The 2nd story in the SMH had the photo of the bag contents, which took a lot of the cops' hype out of it and more or less revealed it to be a prank- and one that made the coppers look pretty hilarious. $90,000 for a few bags of leaf. :D :D :D
So this algea bugs me and im wondering how much effort I should put into getting it 100% gone because ive never had the problem before with the old op If a little bit wont effect end result mybe I can just go through a 2week cycle before trying to fix it I feel like I should be sending a check for advice lol u make it so e z thanks
Algae spores are ubiquitous. They are present nearly everywhere in the planet's habitable zones. Not unless you HEPA filter your air intake, sterilise your op fully & work in a cleansuit will you keep algae totally out of your op. Fortunately, it's not a huge deal. A little algae on media tops of flowering plants, which will be harvested in relatively short order, really won't hurt much. Blocking light to algae will slow it right down, a topical spray of strong H2O2 will wipe it out.
Al, have you changed frequency offlooding since you use STG loose fill?
Not yet, although I think there may be room to do so when the plants are past wk5. STG LF is very hard to saturate and the plants may benefit from an additional flooding cycle in the middle of lights-on. Presently only flooding at the beginning of lights-on in the flowering area.
Al B. Fuct,

Great Great Great Info! It seems like you're the only one growing that doesn't sound like a witch doctor!

So I have a few topics that I'd like your opinion about. I'm going to jump right into the questions. How should a grower handle a couple hour power outage? If different, how should it be handled If the Op losses power for a few days? Obviously after a few days, if located in a populated area, scent can become a security risk. Should one invest in a home generator or a portable generator?

Talking about scent, do you still use Ozone Gens? There's scary info on the net about how unhealthy they are for you. Do you feel there's truth to the information out there? Or should we contribute the negativity to ignorance?

Internet and security, Is it worth the effort to hide your IP? I understand purchasing gear and supplies with cash and not driving your vehicle to the local grow shop. But does "Big Brother" really care about small time growers and are they tracking everyones IP's? I'm pretty sure most ISP delete your search information within 6 months to 1 year. I'm not sure how long forums like RIU or eCommerce sites store user data. Any ideas?

If you couldn't compost plant waste, what would be your next preferred method of disposal?

Do you have a red button for your Op? Or a destroy plan? You know, incase SHTF?

If someone was to mimic your flower setup in a 1.22mx1.83m room using four 560mm x 560mm trays (12-15 plants per tray), two cool tubes each McGyvered with Large Adjust-a-wings, one light per pair of trays. Do you think that is to tight of space? Would you run a pair of 400w or 600w or 1000w (assuming that RH and temps are in-check)? Or a combination (600w over trays 1 and 2, 1000w over trays 3 and 4)? Which leads me to ask, can cannabis get too much light? (take burning out of the equation)

12 clones = 3 mature Mums? (Take 15, expect tossing 3 weaklings)

Are you lighting your mums with a cool tube, reflector or bare bulb? Do you feel there is a better medium for your mums (just asking)?

Based off of your Op (currently If I recall, you average .5 to .75 ounces dry weight per plant) do you think you could change anything to get more weight? I think I know your position on CO2 (expense/hassle > ROI), no magic sauces or silly lighting tricks. Maybe more frequent waterings or longer flower time? What if a 1500w lamp existed? Excuse my ignorance If some of this sounds idiotic, I've never grown before. I'm actually staring at a dead house plant as I write this post.

If you could add one piece of equipment or change one thing, If the expense and/or hassle wasn't an issue, (and having a long legged, big tit, naked swedish model run your Op is not an option...sorry, I have the only one that was available lined up to run mine) what would it be?

It seems like the way to store buds for any length of time is in a large masonry jar? Do you have a preferred short-term/long-term storage method?

Do you have a pump for each air-stone? Have you ran your reservoirs without air-stones?

I know you're a sweet tooth #4 grower and have been for some time, do you have an opinion on Northern Lights or Bubblelicious in a SOG?

Last question, build it and they will come? Or build it to fulfill a consumer need?

Thanks in advance! I know... a lot of questions!!!

I know you buy a lot of rockwool cubes and I was wondering if you could point me to a website with good cubes at a good price