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  1. C

    Need HELP with high heat problems

    OK, just came across a site for others to see. This seems to break it down fairly well. looks like another AC unit is needed and to insulate all the hot air ducting. thanks for the help guys
  2. C

    Need HELP with high heat problems

    Glad this was brought up. Venting anything outside a window in the area of town I live in is not a risk I want to take, too many desperate people breaking into random homes. Originally was going to vent straight into the attic, yet the only spot to cut a hole in the ceiling is right next to...
  3. C

    Need HELP with high heat problems

    The lights turn off at the hottest part of the day. WOW! Looking at this weeks forecast of 85-90 degrees, I'm sweating it because I can't stop thinking of how hot the rooms are going to get. haha So if your AC is at full blast with decent temp ranges, it looks like another AC unit will be...
  4. C

    Need HELP with high heat problems

    it's a dual duct, the exhaust hose is very warm to the touch, I could try and insulate it, though I feel it will only help marginally. For your use, does your AC run efficiently? Is it always at full blast and does it maintain a solid room temperature?
  5. C

    Need HELP with high heat problems

    Cool, I'm researching a little more into using the fan speed controller. It seems to fix the high temperature during lights out (actual day time heat), yet the room temp during lights on is a little high and will only be getting hotter as summer creeps in. right now the AC is coming out...
  6. C

    Need HELP with high heat problems

    Having a problem with maintaining ideal room temperature, even with a portable AC unit. The room averages 82-88 degrees (F) during lights on and 85-91 degrees during lights off. There's 5x1000W lights in a 12x14 room which are air cooled with two 8" inline fans and the room itself is being...
  7. C

    Covering up odors outside the house

    question was answered, spring cleaning
  8. C

    Covering up odors outside the house

    question was answered, spring cleaning
  9. C

    Too Much Light?

    I also read in a couple places before that a 1000W light is great for a 4'x4' space. So I figured, 10'x12' would work out great with 3 rows of lights It's good to hear that I can save a bunch of money by switching to... another room ;)
  10. C

    Too Much Light?

    Here's my research, 2nd room is on its way today. I figured, more lights, more nodes, more fruits, better quality. Thanks for the help crew, I'm stoked about having a second room already.
  11. C

    Too Much Light?

    Here's my research, second space is on its way! All I want is some top shelf.
  12. C

    Too Much Light?

    I'm looking to find a good balance between top notch returns with amount of lighting. Would 6 lights in a 10'x12' be more efficient and gain the same quality as 8 lights in the same space?
  13. C

    Too Much Light?

    Hey, what's up growers, Can you have too much light in too little of a space? This grow area is 10'x12' and there are 8 - 1,000 watt lights in raptor hoods. The hoods are inches apart, and besides being cramped I'm wondering if it's a better investment to take a couple lights out and...
  14. C

    HELP! Made a rookie mistake!!

    I just checked them out and they're all doing great! Just to be sure, I tested the pH of the soil run-out and it read 6.8, definitely something I can live with. I was sure I destroyed my crop. Got lucky this time. Thanks everybody for your help, I'll be sure to enforce some of the methods...
  15. C

    HELP! Made a rookie mistake!!

    Hey guys, thanks for the quick response. I'm using a 50/50 mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog. I'm using Advanced Nutrients: Micro Grow Bloom Voodoo Juice B-52 CalMag They're clones that have been vegging between 1-3 weeks. If others have fed without balancing the pH then I might...
  16. C

    hermieee ???????

    got any pics?
  17. C

    HELP! Made a rookie mistake!!

    I need some advice. I fed my plants without checking the pH levels. Freaking stupid mistake that could cost me a grip. Spare me the obvious, what can I do to counteract this the best I can? I've decided to research before I act on anything (like flushing) BTW, this is in soil. First time...
  18. C

    Room/House Humidity Issue, Need Advice

    deleted. I have made a decision.
  19. C

    Air Conditioning and Vent Odor Control Question

    BTW, will a unit like keep odor from escaping the grow room if I intake air from a clean source and exhaust to the attic?
  20. C

    Air Conditioning and Vent Odor Control Question

    Hello, I'm trying to cool a grow room with a portable a/c unit. I've noticed the portables need to be exhausted out of a window. I have two questions, is there a a/c unit that does NOT need to be exhausted? The second question is what the methods are to use odor control if venting must be...