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  1. Y

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Can't blame you. This site has a lot of information.
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    I love foliar feeding. I don't understand why its so frowned upon. With the proper precautions it is great.
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    i found big bud to work better then gravity.
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    I think the 20 ingredients that they have over the sub par products is doing this.. it is the best bloom booster for the part of the cycle it is used.. end of discussion.. research a little dipshit.. see what other people say about a bad ass product like big bud (aka bud+) its quite apparent...
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    Thats funny cause i have the container right here and I can read over 20 ingredients.. Seriously do some research and stop talkin out ur ass about stuff u dont know.
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    I'm not a scientist nor do they list all the ingredients. But I've used a wide variety of products and some do work better then their cheaper counter parts. Also like to suggest to people botanicare silica, Cal/mag and humbolt honey. Also you shouldn't be disrespectful and say "think". Your the...
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    To list the ingredients yes.... Your so interested look them up i listed some of the products. I've done my research trust me. I've used products and compared them to other brands equivilents and i've found what works good. look up some reviews for these products instead of just trying to argue...
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    TONS of stuff. I have been around the block. I have used tons of similar items from all different companies. They all have what they are good at is all I'm saying. GH is good at price. House and Garden & AN have good additives. I'm not gonna spend an hour listing ingredients from labels nor do I...
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    The products are suposed to be used in a set that's what you guys fail to realize. YES IT COSTS MORE. But it gets better results... Everyone knows you cant grow plants on additive alone but when they are meant to be used with a set and u don't use them of course you are not going to get the...
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    Advanced Nutrients Vs House and Garden Vs GH : RESULTS ARE IN !

    Highly untrue. I use products from all different lines because they all have their better products... just because AN's base isn't as good isn't to say when u start adding their bud blood and big bud and overdrive you arn't going to get better results then the gh equivilent. I actually mix and...