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  1. K BURNA

    My 250w Medies Cabinet

    killin it man keep it up
  2. K BURNA

    Urgent help with $100,000 setup!

    i feel for you man
  3. K BURNA

    California Growers Unite

    fdd always killin it!
  4. K BURNA

    Marijuana Author Jack Herer Collapses After Stage Appearance

    every time i hear jack herer is around i gett happy.. hope he gets well
  5. K BURNA

    My Super Grow Room

    nice setup yocrazy!
  6. K BURNA

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    Do you have Neem in california? its a tree u take the leaves mix it in water and it gets rid of all the bugs on the tree... it is also a great repellant.
  7. K BURNA

    California Growers Unite

    hhaahh x15 stfu
  8. K BURNA

    What Gets You Highest?

    i was thinkin that wen i read this.. but ya never know mayb it did happen again
  9. K BURNA

    California Growers Unite

    can i buz.. nice wor k keep it up
  10. K BURNA

    mayb cause im still a stranger? i was wonderin the same thing.. ill try to figure it out and...

    mayb cause im still a stranger? i was wonderin the same thing.. ill try to figure it out and back at u
  11. K BURNA

    u sed message u for more info... get at me

    u sed message u for more info... get at me
  12. K BURNA

    What Gets You Highest?

    lol this is true? ill try this but will b mad if i ruined a blunt for nuttin
  13. K BURNA

    California Growers Unite

    Hopefully the didnt get wet... Im from the east coast I live in the carribean right now but all dirt weed. Thinkin of movin to cali in february. How to gain access to have a legal grow? any one can point me in the right direction?
  14. K BURNA

    LSTing Lowryders?

    thats craY post pics of the outcome
  15. K BURNA

    White Widow Flowering Day 21 PICS !!

    is that indoor or outdoor? wat is the adverage temperature ?
  16. K BURNA

    want to grow outdoor need some help

    i hear u.. i grew mids down here.. i was hopin to get some dank going. im willing to buy seeds but i dont want to wast good seeds
  17. K BURNA

    want to grow outdoor need some help

    I live in St. Thomas, Vi. The weed here is all poop and i am from the north so im used to real good bud. I need some help here. Cost of electricity is crazy, but im in the Carribean so its always good weather. Its about average of 90 right now. In the winter its 75-80. Im sick of shit weed. Some...
  18. K BURNA

    Scary rumors going around bout d e a ..

    agreed with bakedlikelays.. take percautions and know u got the risk.. its worth it to me if i dont get caught