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    Evolution Or God?

    I'm curious ... is there anyone else who considers this, and the "Darwin Theory" to be true ? ........Or if you believe in god ..why?
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    lol it looks like a big ass calyx ...... look for nutsacks with a little stem more round then what I see in that pic. too me it looks like a big calyx
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    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    shit I think Mike Moore is cool ...... Man Fuck insurance !!!! Those bastards have been raping this country inside and out ...... And I wish Hilary CLinton was able to do something about this bullshit when Bill Clinton was president . He was a decent president ..... He definitely DID not do...
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    How to remove / treat scales and prevent from returning?

    If you flower inside why wouldn't you veg too ??? Most ppl do it the other way around veg inside flower outside .... that could help but obviously where your putting them outside they are able to get infected then you bring it ALL inside .... thats some nasty looking stuff lol .... if that was...
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    Its been 1 month, my plants are only 6" tall and very small!?

    oh and if your going to use t12's at all .... get the 40w bulbs ...... it's kind of rediculous not to , obviously they put out more lumens = plants grow :)
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    Its been 1 month, my plants are only 6" tall and very small!?

    Ditch those damn aquarium bulbs dude ... go to home depot . . . get you some 6500K and some 3000K bullbs use more of the 6500K to veg ... keep the tops 3-5 inches away from lights , but you have to keep an eye on the temp. :) ... By far HPS is better but t12's dont do to bad either . For the...
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    Back Problems From A Spinal Tap Years Ago?

    ah I see .... I listen to country .... lol not really into that stuff there ^
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    Back Problems From A Spinal Tap Years Ago?

    sweet!!! I'm from Vegas :) .... how does a spinal tap rock?? lol .... I don't think I would have to much trouble getting it .... Im just curious how to go about it , plus I need to stop being lazy and just do it already !
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    Back Problems From A Spinal Tap Years Ago?

    nothing even close??
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    Back Problems From A Spinal Tap Years Ago?

    Im wondering if anyone has the same issue as me ? Im going to try to get my med. card for this because I refuse to take any kind of pain meds they will try to give me . Anyone have anything to say about this ?
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    How i got my medical marijuana card in 29 days!!!

    and seriously this costed you how much 300 roughly total from start to finish with no insurance ???? and where was this at ?
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    Is my plant okay??

    what kinda soil ? How much do you water ? What kind of nutes /How much did you feed them ? How big is the plant ? What size pot is it planted in ?
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    Is my plant okay??

    my guess would be most likely too much water/nutes ..... also is the light able to penetrate down to the lower leaves ?
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    Cheap buckets?

    buckets..... $ 2.50 or damn close to it at home depot .
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    Flowering with bat guano .5~12~.2

    yea I actually have that same stuff I vegged with the pure blend pro grow , and last week I hit em with some pure blend pro bloom , this week bat guano .... should I be feeding the bloom with the guano at the same time ? Plants look nice green n perky / happy so I can only think what I have been...
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    Flowering with bat guano .5~12~.2

    I just started using this on my first soiless grow . I have done many soil grows but recently decided to do something different :) ... my medium is coco 2 parts , vermiculite 1 part , perlite 1 part . . . I'm 3 1/2 weeks in and they look great . My question is ...could this be the only food I...
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    make your own Rooting hormone

    root hormone is like 5 bucks for the schultz powder at walmart .... they may even have some kelp /seaweed which works too
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    Stressing the plant before harvest to push THC

    I heard that if you took a hermie plant in the early stages of flower and tried this same concept by poking the seed pods with a needle and shaking the plant .... doing this for about a week ..... supposably the seed pods fill in with trichomes allowing the plant to create more THC ..... IDK ...
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    I know it's legal for medicinal use of course, but I was wondering if anyone could help me out plz? Any info would be greatly appreciated :)
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    increased yeild with photoperiod

    oh lol n/m I just read what brick top said , oops stoner mistake makes sense that they would store energy :)