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    Half July planting

    I plant late season plants every year. Mid July is the latest you want to plant them. You should get 2 to 4 ounces per plant and they stay below 4 feet tall.
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    First time grower looking for some pro tips when transplanting clones from indoor to out door

    For a big yeilds you want to water consistently and make sure you're using a fertilizer with both the macro and micro nutrients. Also noticed better yeilds once I started adding compost tea to my plants. As for bugs, This is the stuff I buy, is Azamax 16 oz., I get it off Amazon...
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    Hey Dickscott, Simmered for two hours the water probably evaporated. Butter should be fine. Hope this helps! Dank777
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    And yet another NOOB asking for advice...

    WillieP with 2 plants that's a great idea. Take the tops that are ready and let the bottom buds develop and ripen more. Great job! Dank777
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    Please just look at pics and diagnosis please

    This is the one I buy, its Azamax 16 oz., I get it off Amazon I've used it for years now and don't use anything else.
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    And yet another NOOB asking for advice...

    Congrats WillieP on your first grow! Looks great! Nice pictures of the plants and trichomes. That helps in figuring harvest time. It's your grow, you can pull when you want. . . . If it were my grow, I would wait 2 weeks. Buds gain more weight and terpenes toward the end of their life. What I...
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    Cant figure this one out

    It looks like a phosphorus deficiency. Hearing that it's in a basement leads me to think it's having a difficult time absorbing phosphorus from the soil due to the cold, also if the soil is too wet (kinda looks it from the pic) or too alkaline, the same problems will occur. Best of Luck! Dank777
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    Please just look at pics and diagnosis please

    Ive never used ses 203 so I have no opinion of it. The product I do use is Azamax. It a organic product made from the neem tree in a super concentrated form. It can be used as a foliar spray but what I like best is, its a systemic. That means you can water the plant with it, and the plant sucks...
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    Please just look at pics and diagnosis please

    The leaves showing the squiggly lines in them are damage from leaf miners. As far as why the seedlings are growing slow, it can be a number of things. Try compost tea. It works well for me thru all growth stages. Best of Luck!
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    Flowering early outdoors

    Don't worry your fine with only 2 weeks left. I put my spring harvest out around mid march every year and they do well every year even thou the day light is getting longer. I have 8-9 week strains.
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    Hardening of clones

    Do everything you mentioned. Have your outdoor spot set up with new soil for your clones. Transplant clones to new soil outdoor. Then put chicken wire around it (spray paint it black or green) then put burlap over the top of the cage and secure it to cage. Then a week later you can remove the...
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    chicken wire fence or alternatives?

    Back in the days when I had to hike miles to my grow and only went back every 2 weeks I needed something to protect my crops. After years of trial and error I came up with this simple effective repellant. Get panty hose and stuff it with irish spring soap chips, human hair(get from hair cuttery...
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    indoor flowering plant put outdoors in march

    You live in TX so your temps are perfect at this time of year to pull a harvest like that. It helps to have strains that finish in 8-9 weeks. Don't worry about the days getting longer because if you have flowered for a week indoor and put them outside now you will get buds. I live in a climate...
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    Help Outdoor Winter Grow???? (12/12 from Seed) with Pics

    You can do it. You got the basic idea down and a spring harvest will work giving your temps. Here what you can do: Start a few more NOW! Then put them outdoor for sun all day and back in at a night under a light for 24 hours of light for the next month. Better light=better growth. Grow them as...