Hardening of clones


I popped a 5 pack a week ago and will be growing them all out indoor. Before I flip to flower I will be taking a few dozen clones for the outdoor season. My problem is, I won't be able to harden off my plants. Maybe for one or two days. Is there anything I can do to lessen the stress of transplanting? I'm thinking I should keep some wind on them, make sure they are healthy before they go out and try to match the light cycle and temps. Any input would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Only issue I've had is throwing them directly into the sun from indoor lights. You need to acclimate them slowly to the sun


Well-Known Member
I assume you have done something like this before. It sounds like you have experience.
Best bet is to put it by a south-facing window and close the window at night. Leave the window open during the day and slowly open it wider over 4-5 nights. That's how I do my veg (No, vegetables,seriously) and have no problems.


This is my first go at outdoor cannabis. I do have a 800 sqft veggie garden. The inlaws will be here for 4 weeks minimum smack dab when they will be going outside. Currently they are in the basement and I won't even be able to give them window light.


Active Member
U have a good plan when u put them out am sun pm shade until acclimated them no direct sun after.2pm and after mid July am sun pm shade


Active Member
Do everything you mentioned. Have your outdoor spot set up with new soil for your clones. Transplant clones to new soil outdoor. Then put chicken wire around it (spray paint it black or green) then put burlap over the top of the cage and secure it to cage. Then a week later you can remove the burlap and your clones will be ready to go.

I had to do this every year because I couldn't acclimate either and could only visit my spot once a week. Good luck!
