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  1. greenpawedwolf

    visiting north c, whats a good bag fetch fer?

    any north carolinians out there? wondering what a nc bag would fetch here?:peace:
  2. greenpawedwolf

    HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

    well the bag also says flowering soil. and has a picture of flowers. its supposed to be for transplanting and regular flowers. well idk, i just fed all 3 plants a little bit of 10-40-25, so hopefully theyll be alright whatever the case is. i guess ill have to wait and see.
  3. greenpawedwolf

    can powder nutrients go bad?

    i have a 400gr container of nutes that recently has a very strong odour. the container was left in a room, usually the room is cool because its upstairs and its been fall. though when i first got the container it had a similar smell but not as pungent. almost smells like there is a hint of mold...
  4. greenpawedwolf

    HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

    so i guess then, it might be due to the fact that i havent been given it nutrients for fear that it was already loaded with nutes.
  5. greenpawedwolf

    HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

    yep its scotts. i figured i would go with scotts over miracle grow, also the numbers were much lower
  6. greenpawedwolf

    today I opened up my grow cabinet and...

    yep males smell the same. so dont get too into it haha
  7. greenpawedwolf

    HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

    ok well now i have two contradicting replies. idk what to believe, should i add my flowering nutes or flush?
  8. greenpawedwolf

    HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

    the soil has these tiny little balls that pop when watered enough. i dont have much money so buying online really isnt an option. its just personal grow, im not too worried about it, just wouldnt want to lose my little crop. so should i just sit there and flush them for a week straight or what?
  9. greenpawedwolf

    HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

    So I live in the middle of nowhere and don't really have alot of options for supplies. since it is fall the garden stores only had a few bags of soil left. So i was forced to get some kind of soil with time release ferts. .07-.01.03. Now my plants are all suffering from burning (i think) but...
  10. greenpawedwolf

    any day 50 pics out there?

  11. greenpawedwolf

    any day 50 pics out there?

    wanted to see some day 50 flower pics if anyone had some thanks
  12. greenpawedwolf

    nute diffrence for soil/hydro/aero?

    damn nazi's all of u. your little shitty rui site sucks its own ass. bunch of wrothless complicated advertising and horse shit if you ask me. tonight when u eat ur own shit like the cowards u are, remember how worthless u r
  13. greenpawedwolf

    nute diffrence for soil/hydro/aero?

    sheep.................................any of you sheep know the answer? bah it out loud! cmon now! answering some persons questions isnt gonna kill u!~
  14. greenpawedwolf

    nute diffrence for soil/hydro/aero?

    what are the nutrient differences for soil /hyrdo/ and aer? if i had a hydroponics setup would i have to supplement missing nutrients from the soil? thanks rep
  15. greenpawedwolf

    how much time on avrg does hydrpnics save u?

    Ahh ok. Wonder if you could stick a goldfish in the tank? haha. Aquaponics also seems interesting, i've always wanted to grow my own fish to eat.
  16. greenpawedwolf

    how much time on avrg does hydrpnics save u?

    thanks very much. i always thought the roots would drown or something if they were submerged in water
  17. greenpawedwolf

    how much time on avrg does hydrpnics save u?

    Also: I was looking at making this : Just have a few questions though. In a system like that do you leave the sprinklers on constantly? Not sure exactly how this works. There is no reservoir involved with this am...
  18. greenpawedwolf

    how much time on avrg does hydrpnics save u?

    ive always used soil, now looking to build a little hyrdo setup. how much time am i looking at saving here?
  19. greenpawedwolf

    looking for aerogarden info? any help pls?

    alright thanks. i wasnt really too keen on the aerogarden myself. looks somewhat cheap, and for that price no thanks. i think ill build my own
  20. greenpawedwolf

    looking for aerogarden info? any help pls?

    looking at purchasing an aerogarden. have heard that it can cut growing time in half, is this true? how exaclty does an aergarden work? what kind yield am i looking at? thanks +rep