HELP!! .07.01.03 burning??

So I live in the middle of nowhere and don't really have alot of options for supplies. since it is fall the garden stores only had a few bags of soil left. So i was forced to get some kind of soil with time release ferts. .07-.01.03. Now my plants are all suffering from burning (i think) but this ratio seems liek there is a very small amount of fertiliser in it. could it be a lack of nutrients? i've never known how these small ratio numbers actually work. i also have nutrients that are 10-40-25. could i feed it these nutes and revive it before its too late? or is this actually nute burn im seeing? no pic, as no camera. but the leaves are basically all out yellow and then they get dry or rusty and fall off.

thanks +rep


Active Member
7-1-3 is the same as 70-10-30 so dont be confused by the bigger numbers but if they are in pre nuted soil i'm not sure you can flush it out... anyone??? If its an additive i would expect you can.

i would flush then consider re-planing in something better equip for cannabis.

all you could need for growing canna is available online and it aint illigal to buy compost so just order some from a online hydro shop.

would need pics to confirm it is actually a burn tho.


Well-Known Member
My guess is lack of nitrogen. I doubt that soil with those levels would burn anything. That's similar to my soil, and I use it on seedlings. The fertilizer you have looks like it's for flowering, but it's probably better than nothing. If you can get some nutrients with a higher nitrogen level it would be better.

Just go slow with whatever you use. Start with a quarter of the recommend dose and work up. If it starts to burn cut back.

Also, if you haven't already, check this thread.
the soil has these tiny little balls that pop when watered enough. i dont have much money so buying online really isnt an option. its just personal grow, im not too worried about it, just wouldnt want to lose my little crop. so should i just sit there and flush them for a week straight or what?
My guess is lack of nitrogen. I doubt that soil with those levels would burn anything. That's similar to my soil, and I use it on seedlings. The fertilizer you have looks like it's for flowering, but it's probably better than nothing. If you can get some nutrients with a higher nitrogen level it would be better.

Just go slow with whatever you use. Start with a quarter of the recommend dose and work up. If it starts to burn cut back.

Also, if you haven't already, check this thread.

ok well now i have two contradicting replies. idk what to believe, should i add my flowering nutes or flush?


Well-Known Member
Just checked, and my soil is exactly the same. Are you using Scotts soil? It's a very light nutrient soil. It's safe. I really don't think nutrient burn is your issue. Burn usually starts on the leaf tip. If it gets really bad it can cover the whole leaf. Yellowing of the whole leaf sounds like low N to me.

Without pics it's difficult to tell, that's why I posted the link in my last post. It has pics and descriptions of many plant problems.
so i guess then, it might be due to the fact that i havent been given it nutrients for fear that it was already loaded with nutes.


Active Member
My guess is lack of nitrogen. I doubt that soil with those levels would burn anything. That's similar to my soil, and I use it on seedlings. The fertilizer you have looks like it's for flowering, but it's probably better than nothing. If you can get some nutrients with a higher nitrogen level it would be better.
its N7 P1 K3 its a HI nitrogen fert....

In the correct consentration it has enough nitrogen for your plant but that may leave the P & K a bit out of balance but thats not a major issue. Sorry but this is not flowering nute, not in the slightest.

NPK is a ratio not a quantity.

If its nute burn it will start at the tips and work inwards sometimes causing burnt spots on the leaves, a def will start in the middle of the leaf, usually looking pale at first then dry crispy yellow or green. defs will also cause red stalks and other symptoms.

hope this helps.

well the bag also says flowering soil. and has a picture of flowers. its supposed to be for transplanting and regular flowers. well idk, i just fed all 3 plants a little bit of 10-40-25, so hopefully theyll be alright whatever the case is. i guess ill have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
its N7 P1 K3 its a HI nitrogen fert....

In the correct consentration it has enough nitrogen for your plant but that may leave the P & K a bit out of balance but thats not a major issue. Sorry but this is not flowering nute, not in the slightest.

NPK is a ratio not a quantity.

If its nute burn it will start at the tips and work inwards sometimes causing burnt spots on the leaves, a def will start in the middle of the leaf, usually looking pale at first then dry crispy yellow or green. defs will also cause red stalks and other symptoms.

hope this helps.

NPK values are also an indication of concentration, so yes it's quantity. Sure, you could mix lighter or heavier doses in fertilizer, but we're discussing pre nuted soil. In this case 0.07, 0.01, and 0.03. Which has 1% of the nutrients of something that's a 7.0, 1.0, 3.0.