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    Cooling ur plants during when temp is high

    dry ice does a great job while adding co2
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    wierd reactions from my plants

    dump your res and add your solution, then check your ph
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    *Unknown problem! HELP NEEDED!*

    also the inconsistency of resin is probably due to genetics.
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    Any way to keep ph balanced without testing first?

    just scratch some dolmite lime into the top few inches of soil. eggshells wont hurt besides adding calcium they also supply mangnese (not to be confused with magnesium)
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    Lower Growing Shoots are yellowing

    probably n overdose...keep flushing for a few waterings. that can cause a few other problems that may look like other deficincies but its probably excess nitrogen locking other nutrients out. flush and watch your ph.
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    yellow and falling off

    you are most likely not watering enough. often enough yes but not enough water. a 5 or seven gallon container could take several gallons each watering. it is healthy to let 20 percent drain off. you want to let your plants get close to dry before watering again.
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    Help! Discolored leaves

    is that reading from the spiket? test the water before adding anything so you know your source, then check again after adding whatever you typically add to your water and lastly check the run off.
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    rock wool

    i would only start them in roockwool if i were going hydro. make sure they are not soaking wet and cold. also if you are on a heatmat put something between them, mats tend to be too hot. dont mist them as this will permote damping off as well as keep them from deriving water from there roots.
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    WTF!!! whats goin on

    they are probably too wet or cold. bring your lights to 2 to 6 inches to the plants. if there are no roots visible, peel away the excess rockwool and get them in some dirt. make sure they are not cold or hot. superthrive is loaded with vitamin b and it doesnt take much. fox farm is great but...
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    Someone please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    hi, your plant will naturaly droop after a rough transplant, if you only have flouresents you want the plants a few inches away...2 is too close 6 is probably a little to far. make sure the soil is warm. if you are under high intensity discharge lamps (hid) or grow lights, you definetly dont...
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    Help needed with leaf spots!

    hey i think it may be a magnesium deficiency, check your ph before you water and also check the runoff, you maybe early enough to fix it. 1 tbs. of epsom salt per gal. should help.
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    Need Help

    hey i culdnt tell by the pictures but thrips stip leaf tissue and leave silvery wormlike trails.
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    Plant Problem need help

    suity mildew
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    Have a look, Need opinions (pics)

    absolutely a hermaph...not that uncommon really, some of them dont even spread pollen. the test is in how much seed does it produce in the end...hopefully none!
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    Flowering Concerns:Problems\Pics!!!

    cannabis loves calcium and magnesium but its not always a deficiency that is the culpret. a ph imbalance can lock out certain nutrients. nutrients can bind with each other and render themselves unavailable to the plants. magnetic drive pumps as well as air stones grab up iron. temperature can...
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    Flowering Concerns:Problems\Pics!!!

    she is not fine, i have been having the same problem. ends up a little airy, low resin count, and the hairs go from white to dead....instead of heathy orange or red. i think its a magnisium deficiency. i have had the problem multiple times. i still havnt figured out what the issue is. two things...
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    im sorry but....i need help...

    my guess is under or over watering and possible over fertilization. also possibility of a magnesium deficiency or lockout.
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    DWC Grows 'em too fast!

    hi i just signed up and was checkin out your post. the first thing i can suggest is to switch lights if you have some economic flexability. tek 5's or some sort of lo profile cool electronic floresent bulbs. if you look around you will find single tube electronic fluoresents that dont have a...